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West Bengal
Member Since:Jul 09, 2004
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. Anything to do with books and music get Priority1, while everything and anything interesting/unusual is priority2. If there is something left, ...u got it - priority3...and let me tell ya - its a small list!
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Education: MBA
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Have fun, hum along
Reviewed Bunty Aur Babli Songs
Bunty aur babli? are you crazy?! Never! What song is that? jhola uthake chale? naah...not for me! And then before I knew it I was watRead more...
Haunting Melodies of Modern Times
Reviewed Swades Songs
Before the movie, before the previews, before the hype hit and before I knew there was SRK, there was this small bit of tune that my ear caught, that made me Read more...
The Plague!
Reviewed LA Peste - Albert Camus
The name of the book is indication enough - the book deals with the terrorising epidemic of bubonic plague in a small bustling commercial city not known to laRead more...
More reviews needed-edited
Reviewed Lady Chatterley's Lover - D. H. Lawrence
A good book, you can read it if you dont mind its slow pace, but a definite classic. It is amazing how the author has managed to enter the mind of a woman...Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on bharat5's review
hi! gud and informative for soemone who is interested and in initial stage of learning. nice revw!
Commented on nikunjm's review
yep, i liked this sheldon. u must mean Entrapment, not Bedazzled (featuring Liz Hurley and Brandon Fraser, an entertaining plot featuring The Devil)
Rated on crazyideas's review
Commented on crazyideas's review
you cant 1. rate TP a meagre 4/5 2. call his humor frivolous. its pretty deep, and definitely not illogical. and, the book was about Death (as an entity) than just, well, life force collecting (which again was an important but not the sole reason for the book). but i do agree TP is by far one of Read More...
Commented on RohitDewal's review
Interestingly written review. NOt a programmer, but not at all difficult to read. You COULD have included a little more on the film itself... i mean the matter put in the review. But i guess Sarkar has been written about enough for this to be sufficient. PS- jrs clothes and Kay Kays Kurtas ARE Read More...
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
Well written. this review is definitely what the movie was. Good intentions gone wrong somewhere. But the visuals, especially the desert ones were mind blowing! What olour co-ordintion. It was like watching a painting, and you could give up on characters, their dialogue delivery or anything else. Read More...
Rated on artsed's review
Commented on artsed's review
I started watching the movie, but never amnaged past the dinners and desserts from neighbours (too many frnds arnd). always wondered what the content of the story was. now i know :) Nice review. Considering its so old, I guess the slow movement of the plot and vagueness of the script and dark lig Read More...
Commented on victor0012's review
that was a good review, and will definitely help in tax planning.
Rated on goodfornothing's review
Commented on gia25's review
hi, uve written a good review, but Id like to differ on the following: the qawwali is good, not ordinary. It is rare nowadays that someone comes up with an wuthentic thing on mainstream, and it is definitely not one you can compare with the qawwalli of Main Hoon Na, which was more 'modern', though Read More...
Rated on udupa's review
Commented on udupa's review
hi, liked ur review, especially the pros. one of the few books that i feel could have been shorter by at least 1/3 of its thickness! and also one of the few books which i could not complete, since i was reading a borrowed book and the person left... never had the courage to pick it up again after t Read More...
Commented on own review
thanx for the supportive comments. i would like more from ppl whove read the review. sajjug, unfortunately not read stranger..u read it? wht else hv u read?
Commented on Venchasa's review
I did not really intend to read this reveiw, and came across it on google, while searching for the lyrics of a very new song. Not the kind who loves old music, I am surprised to see that these are the few old songs that I have heard and enjoyed. Very well written, I must congratulate you on your li Read More...
Rated on Venchasa's review
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