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Member Since:Sep 26, 2017
620 MS Points
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Education: MBA
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Raazi- Powerful True story!!
Reviewed Raazi
Raazi is a real thriller true story movie based on 1971 Indo - Pak war . It portraits the life of a  Muslim girl Shemat( Character played by Alia Bhatt)her loRead more...
Indulekha Hair oil - Fooling public!!!
Reviewed Indulekha Hair Oil
Advertising is just show business and I feel its the mode to fool public but then also we get so engrossed  in advertisement that we fully trust them . I was Read more...
The Man from the Egg : Unique stories!!!
Reviewed The Man from the Egg: Unusual Tales about the Trinity - Sudha Murthy
Sudha Murthy is one of the loved writers in todays era for her simplicity in writing This book reminds us of our childhood days where we have grown up lRead more...
Yajnaseni - The Life of Sacrifices..!!
Reviewed Yajnaseni The Story of Draupadi - Pratibha Ray
Yajnaseni - The Story of Draupadi, by Pratibha Ray is a mythology fiction which reveals the sacrificial life story of Draupadi, also revered as the fifth SatiRead more...
Speed post - Mothers Love!!!
Reviewed Speed Post - Shobha De
"Mother is she who can take place of anyone in the family but whos place no one else can take. " This book is different from the books I have read and Read more...
Five best brand for apparels
Reviewed Five Best Brands You Should Have
Our way of dressing and clothes we wear reflects our culture. India is the land of cultures. Here is my personal best loved list, this is not in particular orRead more...
Perceiving India like never before!!!
Reviewed Immortal India - Amish Tripathi
Author has tried to make his readers understand India with new perspective . The collection of subjects like religion,mythology,tradition,and ethics in this bRead more...
MTS MBLAZE - Worst Customer service
Reviewed MTS MBlaze
Its been years since I am using two devices: Mts WiFi blaze and Mts ultra blaze. It was working fine though it rarely exhibited speed issues when used in cerRead more...
Metro Shoes - Luxurious Brand!!!
Reviewed Metro Shoes
Metro shoes is one of the unique and premium brand I have ever used. Quite a regular customer of Metro shoes . Wearing these shoes gives a confidence and is vRead more...
Mufti- Reliable Brand..!!!
Reviewed Mufti
Its been a few years since I am a regular customer to get casual mufti brand shirts. One of my favorite brands which I usually buy for my husband as I could gRead more...
Chettinadu savoury!!
Reviewed Dindigul Thalappakatti - Velachery - Chennai
It is a restaurant chain that operates from Dindugul, Tamilnadu. There are different outlets in Chennai we had been to besant nagar, thoraipakkam too. WeekendRead more...
Trendy apparels!!!
Reviewed Soch
One of the most loved trendy brand for ethnic apparels in town. My personal favourite brand as its enhances beauty and confidence within me.I feel so happy whRead more...
Sita's sister - Thoughtful mythological fiction!!
Reviewed Sita's Sister - Kavita Kane
Sitas Sister is a work of mythological fiction by the bestselling author Kavita Kane. It narrates the story of Urmila, who is the sister of Sita and devRead more...
Entertainment Centre!!
Reviewed Mayajaal Multiplex - Kanathur - Chennai
A superb entertainment center on ECR in Chennai where traffic compared to city is less. So we prefer going for movie at mayajaal during weekends. Once upon a Read more...
Serenery Paradise!!!
Reviewed The Peak Resorts - Kodaikanal
Hill top resort one of the best resort for relaxation. We reached the resort quite late it was getting dark so after an awesome adventurous drive in the mist Read more...
One of the best pendrives in the market....
Reviewed Transcend JetFlash Pendrives
I have been using transcend pendrives for almost 12 years now and I must say the quality is excellent. Pros: Their pen drives are user friendly from the firRead more...
Best Entertainer..!!
Reviewed Only Time Will Tell - Jeffrey Archer
Only Time Will Tell is the first book of the seriesThe Clifton Chronicles by the bestselling author Jeffery Archer. As with all his boRead more...
Mahabalipuram - Best Tourist spot!!
Reviewed Mahabalipuram
Mahabalipuram  is known for its temples and monuments. This place is also famous for making stone/marble sculptures.Its hard to believe these monuments Read more...
Old is Gold...
Reviewed Spencer Plaza - Chennai
As time goes by one would come across the increasing number of shopping malls in Chennai city but Spencer plaza being the oldest  has its uniqueness. Though tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Pro Moviez (@prempanchal782MouthShut Verified Member)
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U Prashanth Nayak (@EarnesTasterMouthShut Verified Member)
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Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
D J (@djugranMouthShut Verified Member)
Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
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Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Manish Singh (@Manish199MouthShut Verified Member)
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Simon Peter (@SimonPeter771MouthShut Verified Member)
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