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Member Since:Jun 08, 2004
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Education: PGDBA, Graduate in Political Science, Diploma in M
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Good one to have
Reviewed Suzuki Access 125
I booked Access 125 Red on 10 Jan from Jain Auto, Pallavaram, Chennai. I am yet to get the delivery of vehicle. Dealer promised to give delivery on 20 Jan. I Read more...
Very handy and effective Optical zoom.....
Reviewed Panasonic NV GS 57
I bought Panasonic NV GS 57 after seeing many reviews and opinions. I was little confused about the camera because panasonic is doing well compare to Sony. HaRead more...
Need Suggestions on AC usage
Reviewed Samsung AWT18QBHDC
I bought Samsung AWT18QBHDC 1.5 Ton Air Conditioner last week, and I have installed it in 12 X 15 room, so can anyone tell me how can I save electricity. Or wRead more...
Citifinancials worst care to consumer
Reviewed Citibank
I took consumer loan fron Citifinancials for buying TV. When the loan is over I spoke to customer care at Chennai regarding the closure Letter and Invoice of tRead more...
Not a logical commercial
Reviewed Nokia Mobile 'Ban jaye dil ki baat' commercial
It is about the commercial that is currently running on screens sidhe ho jao . That is absolutely illogical advertisement. When they pRead more...
Its having Milage, Space and Power
Reviewed Honda Eterno
Hello, first of allI want to tellyou thatI am using the eterno from past one month, so it is my personal experience regarding the same. I feel that it is worRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on ranjith_nair26's review
Rated on pranavkojha's review
Commented on manish1471's review
on an average i10 gives 10-12 KMPL in city driving with AC and 15-17KMPL on highways.
Commented on quietindian's review
never go for Hyundai cars...it looks good, shophiscated etc.. when performance and service satisfaction comes...Maruti is best. Maruti cares for your money you spend. they know what is best for you and not what is superior or shophisticated. Superior and shophistication comes for extra money and to Read More...
Commented on vinothravi's review
what ever the case Swift is value for money....... i10 is just an eyewash and have features which you do not use very often. Main thing is performance. Swift is always on higher side, i10 space is almost equal to swift, its light interiors gives a feeling that i10 has more space than other same Read More...
Commented on ramanaraopr's review
hi, your budget is 3.5L then you should not compare Alto in this category. Alto is best car in low budget. Alto is performing well in Pick up and engine performance too but it depend on your driviing skills.
Rated on sunil8089's review
Commented on vakkilmathews's review
Really good car, i bought Alto Lxi recently and i am fully satisfied with the performance and looks.
Rated on vakkilmathews's review
Rated on gyaneshwer2002's review
Commented on kailash_jayaraman's review
I agree what u have written, its all experience that makes a man MANAGER. Cheers
Commented on own review
It may be coz of some problem in gas, contact ur delear for this, AC is under guareente na........
thanks prad1980, I will definately try this.....anyways i am living in ground floor on two stories buildng.
Commented on indiandevil's review
i don't think, we can compare bike with a car..................if a person screw a car with glory like a sports car then how can u expect a good performance out of a family car......this is what i think,........
Commented on harish_jogi's review
agreed with u but if u compare olden scooter with eterno, where older ones gives milage of 30-35, lack of spacing, lack of styling. I think it is much better than the older ones. And now u can compare it with bike...............it gives milage, its overall performance is excelent if u ignore the sma Read More...
Commented on ravidixit's review
This commercial has conveyed the good message, everything is good in the ad. its visualisation, its concept, its picturisation adn after all the colors.
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