Member Since:Aug 30, 2003
0 MS Points
so u wanna know about me,right?okk.i am a final yr engg. student.jahan jahan paddhai kaa naam hota hai wahan wahan hum nahin milte.i dont study atall.u can always find me online except 15days before exam till the exam is over.
i am the youngest in my family so very pampered.sabse chhote sabse khottey:P.
i am very mixing, friendly and extrovert girl.
i am very much a mom's girl.
According to me love is a feeling that cant be described.love is something that it says nothing but by saying nothing it says everything.
ABC 's of Friendship,
A = Accepts you for you,B = Believes in you,C =Calls you just to say HI,D = Doesn't give up on you,E = Envisions the whole of you(even the unfinished parts),F = Forgives your mistakes,G = Gives unconditionally ,H = Helps you ,I = Invites you over ,J = Just 'be' with you,K = Keeps you close at heart,L = Loves you for who you are,M = Makes a difference in your life,N = Never judges,O = Offers support,P = Picks you up,Q = Quiets your fears,R = Raises your spirits,S = Says nice things about you ,T = Tells you the truth when you need to hear it,U = Understands you,V = Values everything you do,W = Walks besides you no matter what,X = X-plain things you dont understand,Y = Yells when you wont listen,Z = Zaps you back to reality!! ''Friendship'' is Most Valuable Gift by God . i like singing,gossipping, reading novels(romantic thriller),reading reviews on MS and rating them, meeting ppl and making friendship with them (as my MS-id shows) and surfing the net.