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Member Since:May 30, 2004
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. Finance,girls,movies,books(fiction and nonfiction),yoga.
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Education: management
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N for no quota
Reviewed Ministry of Human Resource Development
Well The Hrd Ministrys decision to extend quota in the central universities to the obcs and thereby extending the reservation cap to 49.5% has comRead more...
Reviewed Dr. Rajkumar
Well most of the things about Dr Raj about his career , his films etc have been mentioned in the other reviews. Shortly before his death CNN-IBN conducted a Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on borngenius's review
Hey great goin nice review.keep it up. u have rightly pointed out that the obc's need no reservations.
Rated on borngenius's review
Commented on own review
Well ever since Mr Arjun Singh has become the Hrd minister he is making one dubious decision after another so guys be prepared for some more of them.
Commented on ketul_shah's review
Are you against reservations per se ? or do you just feel anguish over Mr arjun Singh's latest decision?
well i haven'nt forgotten to mention about the gokak agitation it is there.
Commented on walking_dude's review
please check facts before you post crap like this maligning this great man.
This is the poorest narration about Dr Raj that i have ever come across what utter crap.
Commented on dwivediakash's review
Finally a review that does justice to dr Raj's status
Rated on dwivediakash's review
Your view on dr rajkumar seems to be pretty one sided.First of all he is no Bal Thackeray he may be pro kannada but was never anti tamil as popularly believed. Firstly he was a very great actor that's why he was so popular secondly he had no role to play in the anti cauvery riots of 1991-92 his fans Read More...
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