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Member Since:Jul 02, 2004
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Lets see how much you can read about me from my reviews in the months to come. You tell me what I am short of or well aware of. Remember criticism can only be of any help when it is constructive. Keen to explore the histories of various civilizations and put them in the common context of human civilization over centuries and millenia. Apart from that I play a few musical instruments. Finally nothing better stimulates my mind than intrumental classical music from the Continent, India and China.
About Me
Education: Doing my bit
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Reviewed Say Na Something
Dear Reader, Before you engage your attention further, my message below was in response to 1st message on the subject by Ria. This should have gone as a commRead more...
I liked it - I hope you do too !
Reviewed The Cecil Oberoi Resort - Shimla
My trip to Cecil was during my trip to Shimla last month in November. As it was first trip for my wife and I to the North, we chose Cecil as a safer option fRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on prassad_rs's review
Commented on prassad_rs's review
Prasad your question couldn't have been more appropriate and timely. As an Indian, residing far from India, I am ever so more frustrated at the inability that behests my limitations at times like this. However something vastly different has been noted during this tragedy as against others in the pas Read More...
Commented on own review
Thanks for your comments readers. Somita - will keep your note in mind. First attempt and still learning the ropes.
Commented on LNSV's review
Thank you Shiva. I suspect Surya will fit better from the perspective of short-term / transit stays from my perspective but I accept your point that it will be ideal for those who plan to travel round the city. I remember during my stay at the Taj Varanasi some years ago, Radisson was still under Read More...
Could you please post some more details on Hotel Surya - amenities, distance from local spots, things you liked best, things which fall to your pallet, and other info as you feel necessary. Thank you.
Rated on jenni1's review
Rated on bluerain's review
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