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Member Since:Oct 03, 2004
0 MS Points
I am not into superstitions...(knock on wood) Favourite author: R.K. Narayan Favourite quote: Is there a God? God only knows. Favorite lines: Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower We will grieve not, but rather find Strength in what remains behind. --William Wordsworth. Reading Writing Food Movies Music Mumbai Mouthshut Introspecting Talking 2 my favourite person And making all sorts of lists!!
About Me
Education: Self-education is best
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My 10 & 1/2 “Review” - Catty Comments
Reviewed Tips on MouthShut M2M Service
WARNING: PLEASE DONT READ THISREVIEW IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO CATS! Hi Y’all I just read a “review” in which a lovely member SHARED HER INBORead more...
An Oxymoron
Reviewed Flying Comfortable
Lines – Before getting inside an airplane, one has to stand in many lines. There is a line to check in your baggage, a line where they check your shoes Read more...
Beep Beep!
Reviewed Learning to Drive
Below is my dictionary of different types of motorists, vehicles, car devices, and incidents one might and probably has encountered as a driver. Tailgater - Read more...
A Saga of Whys
Reviewed Changing Face of Cinegoer
WHY do most Hindi movies have drop-dead beautiful people playing the lead? I mean come on, most real people in real life do not look like Ashwariya or Arjun RRead more...
An Interview With a TV Vampire
Reviewed Serials produced by Ekta Kapoor
On the Say Na Something to Anupam Uncle Show, to give an added zing to his show, the host Anupam Kher(aside from adorable kids) has also invited bollywood celRead more...
Unintended Laugh Riots
Reviewed Five Best Hindi Comedy Movies
I have found movies like Angoor, Chupke Chupke, Padosan, Golmaal, Hera Pheri, Ram Gopal Vermas Daud to be genuine comedies; but there are other movies tRead more...
Yeah, I wanna say something
Reviewed Say Na Something
This review is on the TV show - Say Na Something To Anupam Uncle. Am I actually the first person to write a review on this show? I dont believe this!! Read more...
Journey of Love or something like that
Reviewed Twenty Best Hindi Songs
In this review my 20 favourite love songs are divided into 7 parts, and the name of the movie is found in brackets at the end of each song. I.  Looking for LRead more...
Why is CONald McCONald so Popular in Mumbai?
Reviewed McDonald's - Bhayandar - Mumbai
McDonalds is the most overhyped restaurant! And, ofcourse, like most overhyped things, its all just a lot of hooey and phooey created by media and the fRead more...
What's the big deal?
Reviewed Amitabh Bachchan
Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, in my opinion, is the most overhyped, overrated, overpublicized, overrewarded star in the universe. Ok OK he was very grand in his goodRead more...
Astitva should become Kastitva
Reviewed Astitva - TV Serial
Astitva should become Kastitva because it is going the way of Kekta Kapoors crazy serials. It seems like even this sensible (used to be) serial has beenRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on MAgejev's review
I found your review hilarious, but more than the review, I found some of the comments wickedly funny. I guess, sometimes we assume that everyone would have a sense of sarcasm or the ability to read between the lines. You have made your point on a silly product in a unique way. Keep writing more fu Read More...
Rated on MAgejev's review
Rated on walking_dude's review
Commented on humsuffer's review
I have enjoyed reading this review and some of your other movie reviews as well. Also, you write very well: your reviews are clear and to the point - nothing confusing. Thanks for writing them.
Rated on humsuffer's review
Commented on laikar's review
So sorry about your misadventures. I have had some bad flying experiences, but yours sounds wicked. I guess Delta's secret slogan must be - We will take your business, take your sanity, and take you for a ride (even to places you had not planned on going). With this kind of bizarre customer s Read More...
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Rated on bluffmaster's review
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