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Member Since:Feb 20, 2008
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Don't let the MERC guys CHEAT YOU
Reviewed Mercedes Benz C180
We bought a brand new c180 in 2003 and though we were buying a reliable car! We were in for the surprise of our lives. I wish to tell my story to everyone thaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
sure..if you want mudslinging, sure I can be specific..what would you like to know ks18?
Rated on nevish_prem's review
Commented on nevish_prem's review
Its 4 years since you wrote this review. Please come back and tell everyone your real ownership experience. I challenge you. Please edit your review and let every reader know the actual truth about owning a C180.
Commented on RushabhParekh's review
you are 100% right Rushab. I went through the same ordeal that you faced. We should tell our story and save our countrymen from MBIL. They are arrogant and need to realize that we have plenty of options..
Rated on RushabhParekh's review
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Commented on dhruv_tara's review
Dhruv, just driving the car for a test drive specially if accompanied by a box of chocolates is different than owning the car. Ask me and hundreds of others. You fell for the same reasons that I did...high PERCEIVED VALUE..nothing else. Everyone who bought this model faced similar problems..Benz Ind Read More...
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