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Member Since:Mar 11, 2006
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Do Avoid Buying A Micromax Phone
Reviewed Micromax A115 Canavas 3D
Micromax A 115 3D was delivered to me on 27th May 2013. I fell for the naked eye 3D which is irresistible however the fantasy ends there. The 3D effect is reaRead more...
Had a very good buying experience.
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
I purchased a micromax A115 canvas phone on shopping.indiatimes.com. I was drawn to the phone the moment I saw it and most of the sites offered the said phoneRead more...
Particular review about the delivery.
Reviewed The Times Of India
I have been an avid reader of The Hindu, for the past 4 years of my stay in Coimbatore. There was no problem in terms of delivery. I have a habit of reading tRead more...
Cost effetive/good service
Reviewed Club Mahindra Mount Serene Munnar
I have been a member of Club Mahindra for over a year now and have visited three of their properties Munnar, Goa, Ooty.The quality of their resorts are excellRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on deepmidas's review
Dear Deepmidas, the review should have been about club mahindra Coorg resort instead you have blown your trumpet about sterling resorts and other fraudulent companies. before posting a review you should read carefully the subject line and post in the correct topic. And yeah don't use all caps it Read More...
Commented on elango_air's review
is it maruti's fault that you live in pondicherry? is it their fault that you live in a dream world and imagine that an lpg filling station will come up there? when they say that they have an equipped service center they mean that the personnel are trained to rectify faults arising in lpg kits or fu Read More...
Commented on amarjeetauto's review
Your review was very useful in terms of dealer services, but you have not mentioned anything about the performance of the vehicle. how did you find the comfort levels, mileage etc. You should write to the M&M office about such cheating practices, trust me they will look into it. The dealer has tried Read More...
Followed ClubMahindra
Commented on yaminisud's review
many people seem to be confused between marketing and sales. the guy who sold you the membership is a sales guy and the guy who caught your attention to the product through ad's campaigns etc is the marketing guy. you would have seldom met a marketing guy from Club Mahindra, but still he is the one Read More...
Rated on hp00968's review
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Followed jovi_cud
Followed ssr207
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