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Member Since:Aug 14, 2004
0 MS Points
HI! I am a person who likes to be carefree. Just do what you want; don't worry about what others will think and what others do. My main interests are cars, cricket, games, reading, eating, and buying things. My life revolves around three things. Mouthshut, cars and food. The first two are interlinked as it is Mouthshut is the site which allows me to express my views on various cars and thus it is interesting. Mouthshut would be boring without cars and maybe vice versa. Eating is rather like my hobby. I try to break mine and others' records in eating. Have i described myself well? Oh yeah, i have to tell that not you because I know who I am really :-) . automobiles, eating, cricket, games, reading, having fun, blabbering rubbish, travelling, buying things.
About Me
Education: chennai
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Lives up to expectations
Reviewed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
Eagerly awaited, and with high expectations, KANK had a tough challenge- meeting expectations, if not exceeding them. I went to the cinema expecting a merely Read more...
Reviewed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna Songs
Kabhi Alvida na Kehnas album was eagerly awaited, and regardless of what everyone says, I love it... definitely worth the wait! Overall, the songs are aRead more...
Read this review plzz...
Reviewed Tata Safari DiCOR
Its nearly a year since I wrote anything for MS, sorry folks, just lost interest, but I really wanted to write something about this car... The Safari wRead more...
India's first compact SUV.
Reviewed Hyundai Tucson
The newest SUV on the block, the Tucson. The Hyundai Tucson is India’s first compact SUV. It is positioned to compete against the likes of the Honda CRVRead more...
A fitting sequel to the first part.
Reviewed Spider-Man 2
My review may have come in very late, and you are not very likely to catch the movie in the theatres as of now. But this movie really left an impression on meRead more...
Better than the first!
Reviewed Shrek 2
The biggest names in animation- Disney Pixar and Dreamcast. Disney Pixar of course has made excellent movies like The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, MoRead more...
Just okay.
Reviewed Hyundai Sonata
The Sonata has been around here for quite a lot of time. Its styling consisting of cues from various manufacturers did catch the fancy of the Indians for a whRead more...
Good becomes better!
Reviewed Mahindra Scorpio CRDE
The Scorpio created a wave in the Indian car market when it was launched. It is still selling very well, with people buying it because of its SUV image. The SRead more...
Skoda Octavia TDI
Reviewed Skoda Octavia - Petrol
In a country where the fuel economy is the deciding factor for even the richest customers, a car like the Octavia TDI is bound to be popular. It is luxurious,Read more...
An average car.
Reviewed Mitsubishi Lancer - Petrol
The Lancer is always known for being the first so called luxury car in India. It was then a prestige symbol. But times have changed. The Honda CitRead more...
Exemplary author!
Reviewed Cherry Tree - Ruskin Bond
Ruskin Bond We all have heard of Ruskin Bond, though we may not have read any of his books. Ruskin Bond, a resident of Mussoorie, is a well-known writer of fRead more...
Versatile innovation!
Reviewed Toyota Innova
The Qualis is a very outdated model. It was in fact two generations old by the time it came to India. Around the world the next generation of it was being solRead more...
Reviewed Ford Focus
75 may not be such a big landmark (when compared to 50 or 100), yet no harm in mentioning that right? This review may seem absolutely stupid, since I am writiRead more...
My opinion on the Baleno.
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Baleno
The Baleno is the only car from Maruti that hasnt done well in India. So what is the reason for that? There isnt any particular reason, it is a coRead more...
Camry- comfort, quality and reliability.
Reviewed Toyota Camry Automatic
The Camry is Toyotas entry level luxury car. In India of course, it is a luxury car. The Camry has always been known for the comfort and convenience it Read more...
The all new CR-V!
Reviewed Honda CR-V 2.4
The Honda CRV was, and is still a bestseller. While other manufacturers are struggling to get decent sales figures for their soft roaders, the Honda has a lonRead more...
A likely success.
Reviewed TVS Star
TVS has recorded declining sales over the past one year. Now only HH and Bajaj dominate. This is primely because each of them have their own pukka entry levelRead more...
Expect the incredible!
Reviewed The Incredibles
What a movie. Disney (+pixar) is THE best when it comes to animation. This is one point which is undeniable. I was stunned after the movie. Usually I keep goiRead more...
The best diesel in its class.
Reviewed Fiat Palio Diesel
Long time since I wrote a review. Hope I am not rusty. The Fiat Palio is one hell of a car. All its versions are excellent. But it still sells in such low numRead more...
An average bike.
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor Plus
Will people ever change? There are some things which never change in India. One example is the Hero Honda Splendor. Even now if there are loads of new much beRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on gusto's review
Commented on own review
thanx a lot.......... nice.... my rvu seems 2 b rather accurate... blah
hey the scorpio isnt really a... well... fabulous exotic, 4 u 2 dream abt owning it...
hey ur rvu ws nice in a different way, without getting too techy, i just write what i kno, u do the same.. thts it..
Commented on sxn179's review
hey isnt the gs cheaper than the rx? then how could you say, 'if i can afford it'?! anyway, i like the rx too, and the new hybrid rx seems to be totally awesome. i like the styling and dynamics of the gs. so it actually blends lexus refinemnt, quality, luxury anf vfm, along with bmws tech, dynamics, Read More...
Commented on effort's review
did you buy the newly launched IS, or the former one? the new one looks very sharp. lexus' identity itself is refinement and quality. and all lexus cars are incredible in these two aspects! you could have given more info about the interiors, performance, etc.
correct, correct, correct. i would like it to be a success, anyway, blah blah...
thats a small mistake, i mean, slip of finger like slip of tongue...lol
Commented on pcsaketh's review
i've written a comment already blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah...
ur rvu was an absolute piece of crap. by the way, the esteem engine has been tuned specially for this car and it suits it rather well, giving good performance + economy. and this car isn't the old esteem, it is the very same esteem that is being sold in europe, except that it gets the esteem engine, Read More...
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
ur absolutely right, it is xtremely frustrating. 4 example, if i want a car for 10 lakhs, then i wud hv 2 settle 4 somethin' like the corolla, while if i ws elswhere, i wud get a merc or a beemer or a lexus. by the wy corolla is a budget car.. n all ths for protecting the indian manufacturers. y Read More...
hey, vw passat and skoda superb r 2 diff cars, though they hv been built on the same platform. im comparing it 2 c class. superb offers more space, luxury thn c class at a lower price, but handling doesnt entertain much, n u dont get the mb name..
Commented on dinu6364's review
gr8 stuff out there, xcellent rvu from the owner's point of view good choice, n scorpio is the first indian crdi powered car, so it shud get due respect! iv still not spotted any scorpio crdes in chennai, hopefully i may catch urs some day!!!! i dont think the scorpio is much of a driver's Read More...
Commented on rahulbhiwadi1's review
awesome 'rvu' out there! ambasador, well teh back seat is one pro, so lets remove it from the 0%car for money list. contessa- yes. absolutely 0% car for the cash. i just cant list the the cons. well, in other words, i cant find even one reason y i wud pay even one rupee for buying it. i'd rather Read More...
tanx, n yes it ws quite a long break, cudnt get the time, i wud say crv is better value, since it is more practicl, n wat u said abt scorpio is more or less, the truth. it is a sport utility vehicle, but not completely.
hey, u can't call it bad just bcos it doesn't have ythree window rows, it looks much sportier this way, and this is one of its advantages. and safari and scorpio may be more rugged, but they aren't as much a city suv as a crv or a tuscon. they are bigger no doubt, but the handling of both cars is Read More...
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Aisa Lamin (@laminaisa692MouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
Mahi Tonger (@mahitonger4MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
D J (@djugranMouthShut Verified Member)
Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)
Nikhil Sharma (@Venkat_Chada346MouthShut Verified Member)
Gautam Deka (@dekagautam37MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prashant Kumar (@pk927708MouthShut Verified Member)
Z Woosh (@TischHallsMouthShut Verified Member)