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West Bengal
Member Since:Feb 24, 2009
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: B.Tech(Mech),PGDBM
Food and Drinks: Chinese, Indian,Antiquity BlueMusic: Bryan Adams, Pink Floyd, Neil Diamond, Aero Smith, Bon Jovi
Food and Drinks: Chinese, Indian,Antiquity Blue
Music: Bryan Adams, Pink Floyd, Neil Diamond, Aero Smith, Bon Jovi
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The Rugged and the Toughest
Reviewed Fiat Uno - Diesel
My hello to all Fiat Lovers. Its been quite some time I am reading your reviews on Fiat Uno Diesel and I must say that whenever I read those, my mind travels Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed manima2001612 , arunchattopadhyay , krishnasec
Commented on siddhartha1970's review
Dear Mr Sidhartha, You can recolour your dashboard to a mat finish same colour. Reflection will be minimised. Thanks
Commented on mishraraja's review
Mr Debby, The failure is due to the Internal Failure of the EPS Motor.There is absolute no precaution you can take as an user of the vehicle. If it fails just go to the dealer and get the faulty component replaced.If it fails then again get it replaced and so on.
Commented on shyamprasadv145's review
Dear Mr Shyamaprasad, I am sure you are having the Invoices of the Warranty Replacements.You must already have got 2 of them by now. Now if it fails again ask Hyundai Motors India Limited to replace the whole car with a new one. If they refuse please go to the consumer forum and haul them up fo Read More...
Commented on vivekant's review
Dear Mr Vivek, You should have compared the SX4 with the Chevrolet Avio 1.6 LT(Both without optional pack). Then the Engine CC would have been the same as both are 1.6 CC and Price difference wold also be marginal. The ZXI Model of the SX4 comes with a Leather upholstry(stanley which is ve Read More...
Rated on vivekant's review
Commented on ronikbahl's review
Dear Mr Ronik, You can still fit Oval speakers in your car if you can construct wooden tailor made boxes specially biult for this purpose.Generally independent accessory stores does all these sort of work. The authorised dealer will be reluctant to do this job as he has got to sell his recommen Read More...
Rated on ronikbahl's review
Commented on nikhilsarna's review
@nikhil, so has it ended finally now that GM people had got in touch with u. Let me know.
Commented on MOUTH123125's review
Dear Krish, Can you provide me the contact details of companies who does the retro fitment job of putting the Auto Transmission in after market?
Commented on onubhab's review
Dear Krish 82, Chevrolet doesnot kick in India mostly because of its poor resale value and the failure of its Opel Brand. So precedence has been set. Now that internationally GM is in big trouble people are apprehensive about going for this brand as they fear that GM may go out the Deawoo way Read More...
Rated on vikramthomas's review
Rated on Deja's review
Commented on Deja's review
Dear Mr llayaraja, Actually these services are never recommended as per as the Service manual, except the Injector cleaning at 20,000 Km which should only cost Rs 300 Max ie Rs1,00 per Injector. Throttle needs to be cleaned by 40,000 kM and it doesnot cost more that Rs2,50. Other than tha Read More...
Commented on kkannan1982's review
Why didn't you try out various models of Chevrolet Tavera?
Rated on ramankwatra's review
Dear Mr Nikhil, Its really unfortunate to know that your chevrolet spark is giving you so much trouble.I think its one of the rare problems and the Dealer Workshop is not able to make a diagnoisis of the same. I would suggest you to go to another GM Workshop and take a second opinion. Howe Read More...
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