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Member Since:Sep 02, 2008
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Of dreams and conjectures
Reviewed Zoya Factor, The - Anuja Chauhan
Do you remember when you were that twenty something? You know, you got your first job and it fascinated you beyond your expectations!? And when you first goRead more...
Nobody is squeaky clean
Reviewed Munich
Are you one of those who hides behind a pillow every time the music picks up pace and the screen promised to throw an unpleasant surprise, promising to make yRead more...
Laughter, tears, desperation, hope...
Reviewed Life Is Beautiful
Lets paint a worst case scenario: technological upgrades have somehow not mangled their way into your 70s styled living room. Which is primarily tRead more...
If you dont have one, the you better get one!
Reviewed Da Milano Bags
If you are the kind, who would not pick up a bag just because it boasts of a designer label, mentioned in some hollywood flick; you will love the Da Milano ItRead more...
Duty, honour, truth and justice
Reviewed A Few Good Men
A good marine abides by the following code Unit Corps God and Country For this code to be at its effective best, it must be governed by truth and justiceRead more...
When your soul mate becomes a stranger
Reviewed Not Without My Daughter - Betty Mahmoody
Falling in love is magical. And when it happens to you in the fairy tale way, you end up feeling blessed. Betty Mahmoody fell in love and felt quite much the Read more...
Hi Mumbai!
Reviewed Sacred Games - Vikram Chandra
My friends claim that I am a bookworm, that if I stick my nose into a book, any book, I will read it to then end! But, while I love reading, I am very picky Read more...
The other side of twenty!
Reviewed Almost Single - Advaita Kala
The other side of twenty, is a little more wrinkled, a little more independent, a little more responsible and a little more mischievous. And the other side ofRead more...
Perfect make-up always looks natural!
Reviewed Elizabeth Arden Face Makeup
I am one of the many corporate women, who have to be at their presentable bests at any given point of time. Its cut-throat competition and impressions make a Read more...
A lot of pfaff !!!
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I dont mean to be harsh! I mean there has to be something called loyalty!! I have been with Airtel as one of their more promising customers, for a little overRead more...
The quickest way to hell
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Remember the moviePyar to hona hi tha? Kajol is petrified of flights, yet love makes her take her first ever flight from paris to India and her reRead more...
Because memories never grow old
Reviewed Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar - FilmFare Award 1992
When I first saw Jo jeeta wohi sikandar, I was merely thirteen, my elder sister, with three years of experience over me, was just stepping into junior collegeRead more...
A sob story
Reviewed Sex and The City
I know, this sounds like a bold title. But that just about sums the movie up! Where the series, had once upon a time kicked off as a bold take on idependent wRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on kirti.rath's review
Commented on bhupeshrai's review
The review was rivetting! I must admit I hadnt even heard of this movie! But after reading this review.. I am so going to watch it!!! The review moved me.. wonder what the movie will do!! Brilliant write up!
Rated on bhupeshrai's review
Commented on own review
thanks guys... changed.... changed changed.. changed changed...changed changed .. CHANGED 10 WORDS
hey shynbold, unfortunately I did watch it only recently :( Should that make a difference?
Rated on bikini's review
Hey Manjit! Thank you!! lol!! As long as you pamper your sense of entertainment.. its all worth it!
Hey Dreamz It quite is, aint it??!! :) I so thoroughly enjoyed writing it .. it was like reliving the movie off screen
Hey Vivek!! What to do sweety... I have mulitple problems of low connectivity and mood swings :P
Hey Swati, to me it was on par with reading those books :)
Hey Kirti Thanks!! I just had to write it while the movie was still fresh in my mind... :)
Commented on Devv_Paul's review
I really must delve further into the mysteries of this event at Munich. The movie fascinated me. Your review encourages me to dig further..
Commented on vivek_chaturvedi's review
Hi vivek... as always... a wonderful and intelligent review from you... i love your grasp on the nuances and you have such a wonderful way to put things... the review makes me want to watch the movie like right now! :).. those lyrics are just so funny! :) keep writing
Rated on vivek_chaturvedi's review
Hey Sharath! Thanks! And 15 times :o thats a new record ;)
Hey Sonia It is sooo my all time favourite movie will never tire of watching it :P
Hey monoo! Sure will try to do so... :) These are some movies you can watch again and again and again!
Saurabh Thosar (@saurabh_thosar29MouthShut Verified Member)
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