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Member Since:Jun 21, 2017
160 MS Points
I am a mobile photographer and mostly do online shopping and have many experience regarding it.
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Bestest Headphones That I Ever Had !!
Reviewed Boat BassHeads 225 In Ear Headphones
Last week I was looking for earphones as I losted my earphones, So I opened shopping sites and started founding the earphones which suits me and also fit in mRead more...
Bestest Cartoon.
Reviewed Doraemon
DORAEMON Doraemon is a japanese cartoon. I am 19 but Still I watch that everyday. REASON#From the hectic schedule of the day, people want to relax them, somRead more...
Do Oats Reduce Your Weight ??
Reviewed Saffola Masala Oats
Safola Masala Oats. Masala oats is very famous product for reducing the weight and keep you fit. Lets see hows my experience with it. PRICE #The Price of Read more...
Is This Is Good Enough ?
Reviewed Angry Birds 2
Angry Birds 2 iss like other angry birds game, in this game you just have to hit the green pugs but what is different in this game ? Here it is. WHATS NEW! Read more...
In 3 years it does not gave me food to eat !!
Reviewed Clash Of Clans
Clash Of Clans The game which change the android games history. WHY I DOWNLOADED IT ? #Well at my time 3 years ago I was studying in 11 th and I do not hadRead more...
The Bestest Broadband Of the India ???
Reviewed BSNL Broadband
BSNL BROADBAND BSNL is the mostly used broadband by whole India. For BSNL you must have a landline connecton at home. I remembered that when I go for it thRead more...
Is it total value of MONEY? Phone Under 7000 rs
Reviewed XOLO Era 2X 3GB RAM
XOLO ERA 2X 10 days before I ordered a Xolo era 2x 3gb ram from amazon for my cousin brother, as he never used online shoping, So I helped him. WHY I ORDERERead more...
Is youtube good for full time carrier ?
Reviewed Youtube
Youtube is the second most used search engine in the world. It allow us to upload videos and also to earn from them by connecting our account to adsense. I aRead more...
Is amazon is best ?
Reviewed Amazon
Amazon.in which is mostly used by all indians who do internet shopping. -> According to me amazon is awesome online shopping site. ->Best thing is that the Read more...
Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy.
Reviewed Dabur Chyawanprash
Dabur chyawanprash is very good product, which helps to improve the immunity of our body. It taste good but also it is availaible in flavours. It is bit cheapRead more...
The book makes you sucessful.
Reviewed Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich #This is not a story book, this is a book full of experience and successfull stories of the great personalities included Thomas Edison. Read more...
My Phone Review
Reviewed Lenovo Phab 2 Plus
Recently, I bought Lenovo Phab2 Plus handset.As it contains many features as comparison with other phones in same range ie. 15000/.It has 3gb ram which allow Read more...
Apollo Gleneagles Hospital and Dr. Syamasis Bandy
Reviewed Apollo Gleneagles Hospital - Kadapara - Kolkata
Gross negligence and incompetence of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital and Dr. Syamasis Bandyopadhyay and his team led to the death of our Baba I am writing on behaRead more...
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