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Member Since:Oct 19, 2004
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nothing much!!!! average JOE. Bikes, movies and lots and lots of fun
About Me
Education: Post Graduate of management studies.
Review of the Day (1)
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My 220 Vs My Zma
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220
I got my 220 on the 13th of September 2007. I had waited for more than a year 1/2 for this bike. I had to wait for a couple of months to even book the bike afRead more...
Reviewed King Kong (New)
To begin with I WAS not a big King Kong fan. I had downloaded a 5 mins clip of this movie from the internet around 3 months back. The clip had these fight sceRead more...
3 A.M still scares me!
Reviewed The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The movie wasn’t that scary when I watched it in the theatre. This movie is that kind of a movie which will keep you thinking, after you watch it. TrustRead more...
Reviewed War of the Worlds
War of the world is something a Stephen Spielberg fan should not miss! It’s a definite treat to the eye...the visual effects are amazing. Kept me hookedRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Personally i believe that the Zma is a better tourer than the P220. people have diff views about this. Incase you are open to other bikes, be sure to try any bike from the Royal Enfield stable. The torque will blow your mind, the ride would feel like a dream. the bike is built for touring.
hey, The 220 is doin good. its been almost a year, but still very few 220s on the road. but the number is gradually increasing. no more problems in the bike, its working like a wonder. BUt i think its time for an upgrade. I would have gone in for the yzf r15, had it not been for the engine CC an Read More...
@ sandeepMohan bajaj replaced the rear disc pads under warranty...it took a while for it grip properly. now it works like a wonder. yeah, it is ridiculous to have such a problem on a brand new bike. it made me feel as if they had'nt tested the bike even once before dispatch. but im glad that Read More...
@ lokesh_mani thanks for your comment lokesh. true the 220 has a lot of issues...most of my weekends are spent in the service station. i was expecting this....cos i got my bike from the first lot after the test launch in pune. but i still love my bike, its a great feeling to be on the 220 tru Read More...
HI anhilator, I have always believed that its up to the riders to get the best out of the RIDE. I am no professional drag racer, but i have convincingly on more than a few occasions smoked the 200. Maybe, they were inexperienced new bees and so couldn’t keep up or may be I was just too good for the Read More...
Rated on talibshah's review
Commented on des86's review
nice review buddy! u have expressed ur experience well. thanks for the review :)
Rated on des86's review
thank you. you have opened my eyes. ill go ask all other 220 users to quit riding their bikes....u have saved us all p.s: my review clearly says that ONLY the rear disc doesnt work properly.
Commented on trailblazer_sarat's review
the kerb weight is 150 kgs. the mileage is not more than 45 kms in the best of conditions. :)
i do not know the exact rate of the new Karizma R, one of my friends had got it for 83 k on road ( navi mumbai). the 220 costed me 91 K (mumbai) and around 660 rs for the smart card. all the best with ur purchase. make sure that u dont get a vehicle used for test rides....in either bikes.... Read More...
hi, i dont have much knowledge about NO kit installation. plz let me know if u come across any info. moreover in the review i have clearly mentioned that the 220 has an edge over the Zma in terms of pick up. the top speed in practical was more or less the same ..probably because the 220 takes Read More...
Commented on sumeetsharma82's review
dude CBZ extreme is a complete loser of a bike. just check out the sales figure of the bike. bajaj was first to come out with the fuel injection technology at the auto expo 2006 shortly after which hero honda followed suite. dont get me wrong, im not a die hard fan of the pulsar. just that ur revie Read More...
Rated on Tejas.seth9's review
Commented on Tejas.seth9's review
this is where u write review for Pulsar Dtsfi 220 CC not ur 150 cc mini bike
Commented on planetregin's review
....you are right .....i was thumping my chest out by the end. fantastic movie. i would have probably wanted more ugly creatures...one of them could have been my OB teacher. cheers
Rated on planetregin's review
Rated on sajain84's review
Rated on oenone's review
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