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Member Since:Dec 14, 2000
0 MS Points
<b>Sallam,</b> I am Imran, My Own Master. I love to watch my country play against arch rival India and thrash them all over the park. Thas the reason they did not come to Sharjah. I am in <b>asyis'</b> own word<b> ''you are nothing but Immature, Hypocratic Person''</b> I am in <b>riks'</b> own word<b> ''THIS IMPRAN GUY IS NOT FROM PAKISTAN..''</b> Phew!!!! <b> BUT WHO CARES WHAT THE INDIAN HAS TO SAY ABOUT ME! AS LONG AS I BELIEVE IN MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND MY PEOPLE TRUST ME. </b> Cont... I am, in my 6 year old daughter, <b>Nosheen</b>'s own words <b>'' PAPA-THE GREAT''</b> I am, in my wife of past 11 years, <b> Sajida</b>'s own words<b>'' a loving </b>& <b>caring husband''</b>. I am to <b>PCB</b> a <b> hardworking</b> and <b>Truthful man</b>. I am to my Countrymen a <b>'DESH-PREMI'</b> BTW I WORK for <b> PCB.</b> . Love to travel(<b> but not to India</b>) and reading non-fiction books and sports mainly hockey and cricket..
About Me
Education: MBA from KIET (Karachi)
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Crawling Air... india
Reviewed Air India
THE NATIONAL CARRIER IS THE FIRST IMPRESSION OF A COUNTRY and I am sorry to say that Air India needs a major over haul if it want to survive the competitive Read more...
The Best - Who else!
Reviewed Five Best Reviews on MouthShut
During one of my visit to India in 2000 my friend Mr. Kashinath Sharma from Delhi introduced me to MS. Since then it has been a LOVE and HATE relationship witRead more...
My Neighborhood
Reviewed India - General
Sorry, my Few MS friends as I was buy with my work I couldn’t write reviews or reply to your M2M, but now the work load is less and I will see to that IRead more...
Mouthshut: Voice of Consumers.
Reviewed Mouthshut
Mouthshut.com: - Your Opinions Matter. WHY?? Along with my fundamentals right I am also a consumer. So I need to get best deal when I am paying hell lot of mRead more...
Cheating Thumbnail of GOD!!!
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
Request: Reply to amit comments---> Yes, Pls Its my humble request to Ignore me and my reviews, they all are controversial but very true. But remember one Read more...
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
Asyis nowadays it seems you have lost your writing pen. You write with a goose quill dipped in venom. Asyis, I am well and going strong with no complex whatsRead more...
Reviewed Pakistan Cricket Team
Statutory Warning: Any Indian reading this review might get a heart attack. Strict Warning: Asyis, don’t go farther then this, reading this might give Read more...
Bombay or Mumbai
Reviewed Mumbai
TRUTH IS TRUTH, whether you are In USA or INDIA or PAKISTAN. TRUTH WILL NEVER LOOSE against FALSE. TWO wrongs can never make one Right. All the criticism thatRead more...
Reviewed Imran Khan
Greatest left armer
Reviewed Wasim Akram
Wasim Akram is considered by many to be the Best Left Arm Fast Bowler ever to take part in the game. Off good height, he can be deceptively quick..He is able Read more...
Reviewed Saqlain Mushtaq
Saqlain Mushtaq happens to be from the same city where I spend my childhood days, we use to often practice at the same ground, though different thing that he Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Why are you getting personal here?? Have I ever given a personal comments to anyone here? Whereas you people are continously writing personal comments about me. I dont mind its shows your culture and your upbringing in India. We all know when you talk its nothing but garbage coming out from your mo Read More...
See man I like my current job more than my family and country. For me there is nothing parallel to see our team winning against India. And we make sure that we are always a step against you in every fields. And yes I did mail to most of the star writer so that they can read about the most filt Read More...
Farid I think you must get a medical check up of your mind. I have not done any SMS to any one since last 2 days and you are telling that I did SMS to you! Farid take care, have a good life I will definently pray for your good health.
Yes when I said 100 times better I mean 100 times, you can laugh actully it the matter you must cry upon, you national carrier is your disgrace.
First Thing First, PIA is 100 times better than Air India. I always avoid anything Indian but due to my job I am not able to do so.
Rated on allzhot's review
Rated on s_imran80's review
Ok this one time I am going to reply to all members and this will be final. I am not going to indulge in mud sledging I am not Indian! to do that. Who the hell are you to tell me to leave this site??? I am not going to even listen to such things leave aside leaving. I always knew that you all Read More...
Commented on bhushan28's review
I don’t know what you wanted to prove with this review, but one thing is very clear that you are blind and just cant appreciate our efforts for peace with India. Do you think the life of only Indian soldiers or civilian is of great important? And do you think the Pakistani people and ar Read More...
Rated on bhushan28's review
I like writing reviews more than writing comments on reviews or replying to other commnets. I don't want to create controversial atmosphere on this great site, so sorry NO COMMENTS from my side on any of the comments. You are free to say whatever you think.
Commented on srahul's review
Hey you! how can you even thing of unity between my country and India? Germany was different issue. Kashmir is ours and there will be no compromise on that.
Rated on srahul's review
Rated on kamini's review
Followed kamini , Sajida
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