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Member Since:Mar 17, 2001
0 MS Points
I'm a 32 year old married mother to three girls and one special angel. I'm a professional crafter and a former daycare provider who loves to spend time online when I'm not busy with my family or friends. My children, crafts, internet, making money, rubber stamping, reading, writing, movies, and being with people :)
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7-Up the Uncola For Me!
Reviewed 7 Up
7-Up is a soft drink I choose second to Coke. You can find it in the stores located with the other Pepsi brand products. 7-Up comes in 12 ounces, liter bottlRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on mom2twinz's review
Commented on mom2twinz's review
You can do even better if you buy the toothpaste that has a free tooth brush on sale with a coupon! That's what I do :) I get them for about the same price as you do when Target or Walgreens has a sale and I have a coupon -- plus I've got the toothpaste too! *~Bobbie
Commented on pete's review
Well now I know why you rated my 7-up review as you did. Your rating was based on the product, not what I had to say. I thought we rated the review with our ratings, and not the product. That's what I thought the like/dislike buttons were for. :( *~Bobbie
Rated on Trawma's review
Rated on endora60's review
Rated on lora's review
Followed mom2twinz , drlolipop , AnnieSlif , elorraine , Trawma
Rated on tiffer0220's review
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Rated on elorraine's review
Commented on endora60's review
This is my favorite movie of all times. McQueen hated her part in this movie and was always ashamed of it and was ostracized because of it :) I saw an interview with her about that. Nice job! I would love to know what de Haviland said about loosing to Mamie! I have always aspired to be Sc Read More...
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