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Member Since:Oct 21, 2002
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visit http://jaganpvs.tripod.com/ . Defence (http://www.bharat-rakshak.com) Indian Air Force (http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/) Vintage Aircraft (http://www.warbirdsofindia.com) Military History (http://www.1971war.com)
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Education: X Pass
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4S Champ: For the Sissy or for the Sensible?
Reviewed Kawasaki 4S Champion
If I had to write a review on the 4S Champion, which was the Bajaj Autos Answer to the Hero Honda four strokers, I can go on and on. I never owned the bRead more...
CBZ - Best looker in town
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ - Disc Brake
The bike is a winner in the looks department. Such a winner that no other subsequent model ever comes near it. Hero Honda got everything right in the looks. fRead more...
1,05,000 km and still going strong!
Reviewed Kawasaki KB 100
Further reading http://jaganpvs.tripod.com/Devil.htm Its nice to see reviews written by other KB100 Owners. I have been searching for years on the net and neRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on sangram360's review
Commented on own review
cheekanthu, I hope you still have your bike. No point in selling it for 4000 rs as it wont even lasts a couple of dinner nights in a good restaurant. OTOH, spend 3-4k and I am sure it will be running new. My bike currently has 123000 km on it (it hit 121000 in 2005 - ten years). havent ridden it muc Read More...
Rated on manishrvce's review
Rated on Aragorn's review
Rated on sasikb125's review
Rated on hrag's review
Commented on dhruv_tara's review
You are so right on scraping the pegs during the turns. This is one awesome bike to do that - would scare teh sh1t out of the pillion rider. However not the bike to race along with the shogun or RX. but still classier than the four strokers
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Commented on bhasker's review
Wrong location and too short a review to be of much use.
Commented on amrita's review
India Times is not as bad as you make out in the review. Thier archives are good, photo library is good and longevity too. Other protals like indya, 123india and indiainfo have come and are now almost gone, but india times is there .
Commented on loverboy4u_17's review
You had good fun, but somehow boozing and biking on a highway is a surefire way to get into disaster. it never hurts to plan in advance - and if you want to drink booze, ride on the pillion
Rated on sanjeev6's review
Commented on sanjeev6's review
its a must read for long bike trip enthusiasts like me. you have covered all points. Also dont forget to pack a camera ....:-)
Commented on turbo99's review
Wish you had written a longer review. I absolutely love reading about long bike trips on bikes , especially the RTZ. its something you seemed to have done, I would only suggest you write more in detail. Also you mentioned your bike has done 125K, thats tremendous, i was thinking that my bike was Read More...
Rated on turbo99's review
For Vizagguy It is not really necessary to buy the product to write a review about it. I have used the vehicle extensively over a period of one year and had the chance to evaluate it against my style of riding. This included long trips of 200km+ as well as extended period of usage continously. Read More...
Rated on divya's review
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