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Member Since:Dec 29, 2002
0 MS Points
. Listening to music is my PASSION!! I basically listen to A.R.Rahman; Lucky Ali; Trance; Indian Ocean and Euphoria.
About Me
Education: S.Y.BMS
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Reviewed Yuva Songs
We have seen the magic of the Rahman-Ratnam combination in the past. So it is obvious that when these two biggies in their own field, the expectations are skyRead more...
An awesome place...
Reviewed Matheran
I have not travelled so extensively in India, but wherever I have been I think there is no place where automobiles are not allowed. Welcome to Matheran, whichRead more...
A good one...
Reviewed Blue Country Resort - Panchgani
Our tenth std exams had just got over and our school was planning to take us some where. One of our friends suggested this place as it had opened recently andRead more...
Information Unlimited
Reviewed Business World
After 12th, I chose to go in for BMS (Bachelor in Management Studies). First day of college and the BMS co-ordinator of our college told us to go and buy and Read more...
Good horror after a long time!!!
Reviewed Bhoot
Bhoot, directed by veteran RGV, is quite a good horror flick. Horror films of the past had the same regular stuff ie. wolves howling, smoke and havelis and paRead more...
Another superb musical piece
Reviewed Jhini - Indian Ocean
If u have heard previous Indian Ocean music then obviously u will like this one. This is their fourth album JHINI the other three being Indian Ocean, Desert RRead more...
Really good stuff!!
Reviewed Jism
This kind of movie may not appeal to all audiences but this one really reveals the dark side of the human character in the best way possible. All along the moRead more...
Reviewed Coca Cola
I think the whole hype surrounding these two things is utter rubbish. These companies if they dont spend on ads they would become the richest in the world. EARead more...
A Strict No No
Reviewed Auto India
The magazine used to be good until due to some incidents the writers changed. Now with the present team of it s writers the magazine is worthless. The team oRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Followed dhwani07
Commented on JeanKid's review
Thanks a lot man for tellin these i was searchin for a site like this for a long time
Commented on sainath's review
Boss i completely agree with u. Though ur style of writin was a lil casual, the content was mind blowin...with respect to Taran Adarsh...the guy is goin bonkers i feel...he was the one who said Yuva's music is amazin n all...but in the review 'tracks are just about okay' and its a mixed bag....being Read More...
Rated on sainath's review
Rated on amjad_maruf's review
Rated on 9kni9's review
Commented on 9kni9's review
he review does not mention the singers or ne useful info..though the writer seems to have decent knowledge regardin the instruments.
Rated on sf20's review
Rated on hemantmansa's review
Commented on rajesh's review
Ajit Agarkar is one of India's brightest bowlers ....thats what i feel...whom r u gonna depend on if srinath, zaheer fail or are injured....finally it bogs down to agarkar and nehra....we don t have ne other pacers....but i do agree wid u ppl on the pt. of kumble....he s useless....the only positive Read More...
Rated on rajesh's review
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