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Member Since:May 21, 2004
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We should learn and grow towards good
Reviewed Osama
Title : We should learn and grow towards good Review : Maybe this movie was too pretty too look at, considering background events which were happening at thRead more...
Shocked by user picks, lol
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Actors
Ive been looking at the reviews, and Im shocked. I must say that for the most part I would NEVER go to see the actors mentioned in these lists, ERead more...
I enjoyed this unusual book
Reviewed The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time - Mark Haddon
Title : I enjoyed this unusual book Review : This book is an unusual story told from the perspective of a fifteen year-old with specialRead more...
Can I give this more than five stars ?
Reviewed Van Helsing
Title : Can I give more than five stars ? Review : Previous reviews tell pretty much about this wonderful, edge-of-your seat movie. I would like to add justRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on devatanu's review
nice review, thx the part that lagged for me was in the airport, but i got a good time (along with all the other more serious merits the book has to offer) throughout the rest of it i gave this to a few friends who enjoyed it -- it would be a good gift to the right person and for the right Read More...
Commented on psyxx's review
http://www.youtube.com/user/mattharding2718 okay, okay these are the ones that are not in the two 'good ones' -- i think there's two that are put together with the best angles, pictures, etc. -- these are some they did NOT put in -- still interesting -- have fun -- tube's yers jerry
Commented on fringant's review
we can't view this where i live but i'm sorry to hear the girls could be scantily clad when there are plenty of gentlemen who should consider this way of displaying themselves as well i would rate your review very useful, but then there's no rating for really useful (once you advise about the gent Read More...
Rated on planetregin's review
Commented on cutedoggie's review
i enjoyed reading your review there is so much that goes on every second that it was hard for me to collect my thoughts and write about it but you did an excellent job and one with the potential viewer in mind i liked that your comments were dead center and solidly placed -- there are many re Read More...
Rated on cutedoggie's review
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Commented on jodihayes's review
i didn't mean to single anything out -- i see now i got a little involved on the whole subject of roller coaster action being at cross-purposes with a good love interest -- but i did a rotten job of explaining what i was trying to say i enjoyed your review -- i'm glad you enjoyed this and that yo Read More...
Loved this. Of course I love having the DVD too. There's love. Unfortunately, you can't always rightly 'look for love' in a really 'pictorial' action film. People said the same thing about Van Helsing. What we are seeing very often pertains to the next thing that's going to happen. If th Read More...
Rated on akshai78's review
Rated on patenik2's review
Commented on sriram201's review
The one that's really not up to the rest (I tried a few of his short stories -- they have the budding goodness that we know in this author, not the impressive greatness, necessarily) is 'Autumn of the Patriarch' -- this book seems like a practice session for the other books he wrote afterwards. Sur Read More...
I would find it extremely difficult to write about this book. I'm impressed with how you wrote. I thought the whole saga idea (life happening over a span of time) was mixed in with the 'basic humanity' idea which you pointed out so well. In other words, it was suggestive of the all progress t Read More...
Rated on sriram201's review
Commented on own review
I just came upon this article in a medical email newsletter I get and ANYONE who 'met' Chris in this book will enjoy this brief report on a brand new finding that affects what we know about people with autism or Asperger's ! Here is the link URL : http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/healthnews.php? Read More...
Commented on 4books's review
I enjoyed this review because I was surprised by this wonderful book. What we find as we read it you understood and told. It's not really ABOUT an autistic so much as the author has actually put in the book a child, Chris, who IS THERE and is autistic. In other words, the writing isn't ABOUT al Read More...
Rated on 4books's review
Rated on jodihayes's review
Commented on diver's review
we had more tin tin books than asterix, but i liked them both i did research not long ago on tin tin -- interesting history of how that 'book' developed i also had the author of the 'madeleine' books on a site of the day last week that FIRST madeleine book is always very good IF you actuall Read More...
Rated on diver's review
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