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Member Since:Sep 30, 2009
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Two laws in India Country
Reviewed City Limouzines
Since last 1 month reading this blog consistantly. Everybody in hope that everything will be alright. And of course we always positive toward everything. EverRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on limser's review
Commented on limser's review
Because he wants bail, so he will show like Gentleman, then he will flee from India and will stay in Miami, USA, without any fear. So dont withdraw any cases till he pays total money.
Rated on Piecemeal's review
Commented on Vatsan1973's review
even after so many complaints against masood he is free, so everybody can understand that till what level Khoka's are sent, to digest crores of rupees of poor people. Only chennai type man can take back money from them. So start finding all directors and show them custody.
Rated on ramaballabha's review
Commented on own review
Mr. Brigenza, I dont believe on our political and law system which totally runs on money, where leave politician even judges are corrupt. Who gives dates in exchange of money. We have to do that thing by which any Masood want to born he will think thousand times. Otherwise we have seen 50000 crores Read More...
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