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Member Since:Dec 23, 2003
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: BE
Music: hard rock, metal
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Google Chrome
Reviewed Google Chrome
Chrome made its entry just a day back. Id like to share what I felt after having a glance at it. Lets take a quick look.* Installation: Downloads very Read more...
Hoodibaba! wont let u repent
Reviewed Bajaj Caliber 115
Hoodibabaa! The powered sweet sounding jingle worked, and 115 is really doing great. Today, in this segment, there are lot of good bikes, each one having someRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on anilkumarav's review
Followed anilkumarav
Followed UbeU
Commented on mouls's review
hey there is incognito window for u, if u want open something and leave no trace.
Commented on wont_take_nonsense's review
Even i am not a linux user, have had it installed it on machines, but never got to use it really well. At workplace am bound to use Xp, Laptop came with vista. but am using OpenOffice as MS one's trial expired :) but never got to use it extensively. Surveys suggest that MS Office is the most reve Read More...
Haha!!! ironically, in india, where evthing thats free goes hand in hand, but linux & other good stuff (like openoffice etc) which are actually free do not work. On the contrary, MS stuffs, which are not free, are virtually free by means of piracy.
Followed wont_take_nonsense
Commented on apocryphalreviewer's review
hey, very nice review. Really this book did not meet my expectations. anyways, its a good time pass if someone wants to :)
Rated on apocryphalreviewer's review
Commented on own review
@ Ubeu - thanks. @ nitin - Yes,I had not noticed it. looks like lot of people are complaining about this.
ya, altho i started in late 90's but can relate myself to the conditions u mentioned ;) I started my browsing with IE only (unfortunately ;-), bcoz it came with windows. then computer meant windows and internet meant IE.
nice review. For history of browsers (timeline), one may find this link useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers NN was there before IE and was more popular (but then, internet itself was not that popular ;-)
thanks rocky. Some sites cause trouble while opening, but on the whole its a good browser
Rated on cuckoo1992's review
Rated on thegreatone's review
Commented on lovable_idiot4u's review
Hi! Nice rvw man, Its seems u r happy with ur cal115, well i wish u best luck with ur bike. I've cal115 since last 2 months, and it is performing amazingly. Nice to hear same from u. Mail me any of ur expirence with the bike, it'd b my pleasure. Did a long ride really help?
Rated on lovable_idiot4u's review
Rated on spicedcider's review
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