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Member Since:Oct 21, 2002
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If Carrots Got You Drunk....
Reviewed Strategic Grill Locations - Mitch Hedberg
I have seen a human pyramid before. It was very unnecessary. If you didnt find this funny, this CD is not for you. Mitch HedberRead more...
A colossal achievement in literary fiction
Reviewed Magus, The - John Fowles
Set in the backdrop of an exotic mediterranean island, The Magus is a metaphysical rollercoaster through the maze of the human mind, wRead more...
Culmination of the Metallica Odyssey
Reviewed Reload - Metallica
An abundance of accolades have already been showered on Metallica and the Black Album has been hailed as the greatest metal album ever. I am quietly going to Read more...
Absolute Gold!
Reviewed Forrest Gump
How can someone take the story of a small town fluff head walking through life with a box of chocolates into absolute gold! Tom hanks did. He made Forrest GumRead more...
War, who is it good for?
Reviewed Fahrenheit 9/11
Why does a dog wag its tail? Because a dog is smarter than its tail. If the tail was smarter, the tail would wag the dog. So starts tRead more...
Exuberance at its best... total FEEL-GOODer
Reviewed My Cousin Vinny
On a pleasant friday night, after a thirty minute futile hunt through the action and thriller aisles, I ended up in the Oscar aisle of Hollywood Videos where Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on egostation's review
I recently saw Vai perform live in San Francisco. He is everything that this review claims and more. A nice write up. -krishna
Commented on own review
After carefully reading all your comments again, this is what I have to say: 1. The crux of my review is about one song and why I think it is Metallica's greatest work as an artist. Incidentally, it also contains a few laudatory remarks about the band. In your comments, outside of a list of songs Read More...
Dude, You have googled quite well. I am impressed :-) I am familiar with the works of more than half the quitarists that you are talking about but I still place Slash and Kirk at the top of my list. If you have a problem with that, Suck it up! Yes, The Unforgiven II is the greatest ballad Read More...
Commented on indian1969's review
I just saw the movie and after seeing the reviews here, I realized that I don't have much to add for a separate review. Both Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet are outstanding actors and the most remarkable thing is that both of them have stepped outside their overwhelming star powers and grew into the Read More...
Rated on indian1969's review
Dude, Spewing out a few band names and raising your tone doesn't substantiate your arguement much. Again, you are still stating your opinions. Hence I don't feel the need to defend mine and I am quite certain I'll never have to eat it! Iron Maiden, I can understand but please... Slayer Suck Read More...
People with opinions just go around bothering one another - The Buddha This article is about my opinion of one particular song. And yes, Metallica is the mother of all metal bands. P.S: Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at kichuraj@yahoo.com. I am sure your mail client won't time-out on you!
Thanks a lot for your enthusiastic response. I unfortunately haven't read the book fearing the possibility of the book being better... but thanks Guru for the info. It has been promptly uploaded in my database:-) Balagi, you are right. Good Will Hunting is different but if you remove the surfa Read More...
Thanks Achilles, Though I fully agree with you w.r.t the origin of the phrase, in my opinion, the CNN is simply a marketing mouthpiece of the current administration and I wouldn't even remember it today had they not flashed this slogan as their key caption during the coverage :-). I read your Read More...
Rated on HawgWyld's review
Rated on replayyy's review
Thank you all for the encouragement and the support. A great movie like that is bound to attract a good review. In time, I hope to be able to write a good review even about a mediocre movie. I will continue to participate actively in MS activities. Regards, Krishnaraj
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