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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Jan 17, 2004
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: Experience is the best education. Still learning.
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Seeing is NOT believing!
Reviewed Rashomon
The year was 1951. The jury at the Venice International Film Festival sat down to watch an entry from Japan. The movie was called Rashomon, directed by a not-Read more...
The Master’s Masterpiece!
Reviewed Red Beard
For the last 1 year, I had been trying to lay my hands on a DVD of Akira Kurosawa’s 1965 masterpiece Red Beard (Akahige). I had heard a lot of great thiRead more...
A well-made movie…
Reviewed Three Brothers
Three Brothers [1981] was the first DVD I spotted in the Foreign Films section of my DVD library. The DVD cover was a subtle, squeaky-clean white, while the oRead more...
Strategy at it’s best!
Reviewed The Hidden Fortress
The Hidden Fortress [1958], directed by Akira Kurosawa, is considered to be the primal influence for George Lucas’ Star Wars. The movie is big in every Read more...
A Riveting True Story
Reviewed Veronica Guerin
Veronica Guerin [2003], directed by Joel Schumacher, is a true story of an Irish journalist of the same name who died during her attempts to bring the drug loRead more...
Do you believe in magic?
Reviewed In America
In America [2002], directed by Jim Sheridan, is a beautiful and touching movie about an Irish immigrant family’s first year in America. Based on the dirRead more...
Poetry in Motion
Reviewed Akira Kurosawa's Dreams
Messages are aplenty in Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams [1990]. The movie consists of eight episodes, or dreams, with themes ranging from environment conservatiRead more...
Zed’s dead, baby! Zed’s dead!
Reviewed Pulp Fiction
Pulp Fiction, former video store clerk Quentin Tarantino?s second directorial venture, was released in 1994. It boasted of a huge star cast: John Travolta, SaRead more...
The Horrors of War
Reviewed Hiroshima - John Hersey
August 06, 1945, Hiroshima. Dr. Ferufumi Sasaki walked around one of the corridors of the huge Red Cross Hospital with a blood specimen for a test. Mrs. HatRead more...
The world is yours!
Reviewed Scarface
Al Pacino. Oliver Stone. Brian de Palma. That pretty much sums up why you should see Scarface. Those of you who aren’t convinced yet, read on. ScarfacRead more...
Another Samurai classic from Kurosawa
Reviewed Sanjuro
Toshiro Mifune gives another power-packed performance as the wandering, master-less samurai in Akira Kurosawa’s 1962 movie, Sanjuro. Often regarded as aRead more...
Here’s Johnny!
Reviewed The Shining
I don?t usually watch horror movies. I made an exception with this one, because of the following reasons: It?s a Stanley Kubrick film based on a Stephen KingRead more...
A tragic love story
Reviewed Sethu
When Sethu was released, it became a flop. Nobody wanted to see a movie made by a debutant director with a flop hero and an unknown heroine. Many walked off dRead more...
A Timeless Classic!
Reviewed Punnagai Mannan
Punnagai Mannan is undoubtedly one of the best love stories of Tamil cinema. Directed by K. Balachander, one of the best directors of Tamil cinema, this is onRead more...
Dark Side of the Epic
Reviewed We Are Not Your Monkeys
Anand Patwardhan’s We are not your Monkeys is about many things: the caste system, gender oppression and humanity. Backdrop: The Ramayana. ThematicallyRead more...
Stop in the Name of Man!
Reviewed In the Name of God
The Alliance Française presented a few documentary films by noted film-maker Anand Patwardhan a few days back. When it was announced that the first film,Read more...
Mozart immortalised
Reviewed Amadeus
Music should go right through you, leave some of itself inside you, and take some of you with it when it leaves. - Henry Threadgill WRead more...
Long live the revolution!
Reviewed The Battleship Potemkin
The Battleship Potemkin, a film by Sergei Eisenstein, is regarded as one of the greatest films ever made. Released in 1925, this film was actually a project tRead more...
An under-rated gem
Reviewed Scandal
At the surface level, Scandal (1950) is just another courtroom drama. But as one digs deeper, one stumbles upon an assortment of themes, some of which are: thRead more...
Tears of Blood
Reviewed Ratha Kanneer
The year was 1954. Independent India was only 7 years old. M. R. Radha had recently broken the very basic rule of theater acting: he showed his back to the auRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on swetamohanty's review
Good review!! I haven't read the book, but I've heard of the movie. Will try getting hold of the book! :-) Keep writing! Guru
Rated on swetamohanty's review
Commented on own review
Dodes'ka-den is a good movie. I saw it about a year back. Yes... it's out on DVD. It should be available at Amazon. :-) Guru
Commented on pranavi's review
Good review, Pranavi. Liked reading it. Keep writing! Guru
Rated on pranavi's review
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Rated on preran's review
Commented on mariner2's review
That was awesome, Nandu! Very thought-provoking! Hope to see more like these. Keep writing! Guru PS: Small correction - about the Pink Floyd song, the words are not 'lots of hazards in the classroom', but 'the dark sarcasm in the classroom'.
Rated on mariner2's review
Rated on mmeman2004's review
Commented on chaitralid's review
Good review! Sounds like a good movie. Will see if I can get hold of it. Keep writing! G
Rated on chaitralid's review
Commented on chanti_ash's review
Welcome to Mouthshut! Nice, concise review. I'll check out this book... I'm very, very bad at economics. Keep writing! Guru
Commented on Capt_Rajeev's review
Sounds like a nice place to hangout. Will check out this place if I visit Mumbai. Good review! Keep writing! Guru
Rated on chanti_ash's review
Rated on Capt_Rajeev's review
Commented on Viruses's review
Sounds like a nice place. Will try checking it out if I visit Dehradun, the chances of which are very remote. :-) Good review! Keep writing! Guru
Rated on Viruses's review
Rated on mnc123's review
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
Good review, Suresh! I hope Vidyasagar makes it big in the north. He is a gifted musician. :-) Keep writing! Guru
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