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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Feb 07, 2011
0 MS Points
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Very Stylish
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Geneus RO + UV +UF Water Purifier
Update: Feb 19 2014. Regarding the taste of the water. I filed a complaint online, a technician came 2 days later, he emptied the tank and set theMinerRead more...
BSA Diva E bike Review - Not for everyone
Reviewed Bsa Motors Diva
I had a BSA  Diva. I bought it for 32, 000 in 2010.  It goes up to 24 km speed on full charge, later goes down to 20 km. I am not a regular user, I used it onRead more...
Not so bad product
Reviewed Crompton Greaves Solarium Storage Water Heater
I bought this a few days ago, since it was summer, we did not use it initially. We have started using it from a week and its leaking. When I saw these reviewRead more...
H2O X5 Steam Mop
Reviewed Choosing a Vacuum Cleaner
I was in testing mode from 6 months. Finally I thought I should give my thoughts here. When I bought I did not find any reviews in India, I found some on AmazRead more...
IFB Neptune DX Dishwaher- works well
Reviewed IFB Neptune DX
Well, as usual when I looked for reviews, all are complaining only. I bought this a week ago. I used dishwasher in USA for lot of years and has been planningRead more...
Very helpful
Reviewed Philips Intelligent Food Processor HL1659
I bought this few weeks ago. Its build, 750wt engine, its design are so intelligent. Especially the slicer is very useful. You can actually set the slicer so Read more...
I found this useful
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Euroclean Wet and Dry
Update on Jan 3, 2014 I always used it in wet mode from 3yrs. Now I can say, you should not use this vacuum in wet mode, may be once in a while is ok. When uRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
So far I did not have any issues. Completed 2years, working fine still. I will post if I have any issues.
I dont know where you are. In Hyd, any Kirana(ran by individuals, not big chains) shop carries soapnuts.
Rated on pshaktig's review
Rated on sjchitra159's review
Rated on sudhakarmekala's review
Commented on sudhakarmekala's review
No personal touch. Which hotel he stayed, which package he booked. He wrote whatever is on the websites. In this kind of review, i expect to get details on a personal level.
Rated on abhisheksobti624's review
Rated on mohanramamurthy001's review
Its been over an year, since I bought this. I use it everyday. So far no issues. My neighbor had this for 2+ years, no issues for them as well. We are also using soap nut, instead of expensive IFB detergent. Its working so well. In India, the tendency is, people come on the internet only to complain Read More...
Update REPAIR Aug 25,2012 A week back, it suddenly started to make a loud noise. I submitted an online request to come and repair it, in the eureka forbes website. They came within 5hrs. A technician came and said, its going to be 2500 rupees for the repair. He said the engine is gone. I told him t Read More...
I would buy it for 3700.
Rated on pgargya's review
Rated on gauravavn's review
Commented on gauravavn's review
I bought the same one and its leaking from day one. I also thought that its best since it has five stars. I will call them and see if they come and repair it. What happened in your case? Did u get it repaired, how was it afterwards?
Commented on siddeshwaykul's review
Thanks for a detailed review. Please let me know how its working now. Is 35k worth on this machine? Does this have dryer too. Really appreciate your input.
Rated on siddeshwaykul's review
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