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Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Nov 25, 2006
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Education: ME/M.Tech
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Unexaggerated review on Unicorn
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Earlier posted this review in Aviator page by mistake. I thank all the mouthshut reviewers. I have made my decision based on your reviews. So it is the time Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on stratus's review
Very nice observations in just one month. I request you to update this review once you cross 10K KM. By that time your bike will be tested enough and you may see different colors. My personal experiance.
Rated on stratus's review
Rated on y-nots.rahul's review
Commented on y-nots.rahul's review
You just need to rock on your bike, Please don’t waste our and your time by writing this kind of reviews.
Commented on own review
Hi Faerie, racer_m, SpeedmaN, raj2007, Raj_onlyone, Ilyasmd, selvan_1700, vj86, srpsinu Thanks a lot for your comments, Also thanks for those who rated my review.
Rated on andy2u4u's review
Rated on Praveen_S's review
Followed racer_m , vj86
Rated on sabualex's review
Rated on rkkkota's review
Followed rkkkota
Commented on nazim_uni's review
Nice review, Surely GP edition is a head turner. Read my review here http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Honda_Unicorn_150_cc-170475-1.html
Thanks for your valuable comments. Hi Raj, Use this link (no spaces in between ) http://picasaweb.google.com/kirankumarguthula/MyUnicorn#
2. Change the headlight Dome shape, add some more brightness, Focus. I like Hunk headlight dome very much, next new CBZ Xtream’s. 3. Bike is very comfortable, but seat is very hard. Add some cushioning to seat. 4. Rider’s foot pegs to be moved back just like, Hunk, Xtream, or stunner which giv Read More...
What I don’t like in Unicorn: One thing here is Headlight: I don’t like its shape, it’s chrome fairing. I Some how like Old unicorn headlight. The head light reflector is from Lumax, same as Hero honda, Stock bulb is Philips Germany, even then the head light brightness is less than some of the ot Read More...
Part3: I have pointed this to the same supervisor who has talked to me during the first service. I still doubt that the service people had done this intentionally, because i have not seen any unicorn with such a poor paint quality. Then he has told me to keep the vehicle in the service station for Read More...
Part3: 8. Chain: My chain tightness is uneven, some places it is very tight, while at other places it has a play for 1 inch. ( I have never pointed this in my services as it is my recent observation ). Is this a feature or problem? Tell me if you have observed similar problem. 9. Initially, i Read More...
Review continued here..( plz excuse me, I have truncated and framing is not proper as there is a word limit for the review) Part2: 4. Ride is very smooth. Smoother than most of the bikes. In some reviews people have exaggerated that Unicorn has 0% vibrations. No matter, no machine can work wi Read More...
Commented on srivatsa81's review
Dear prince_sahay, I still feel there is very little choice while choosing 125cc bikes, You can go for a stunner if it suits your personality. Don’t fool yourself by opting Bajaj products. Can’t explain you with much details, but They are good for initial one year or for the first 15000 KMS, Read More...
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