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Member Since:Feb 25, 2010
0 MS Points
A professor of Economics at Jai Hind college and Visiting faculty at MET.
About Me
Books: The Alchemist, The monk that sold his ferrariT.V. Shows: CSI, Heroes, LostMusic: opera, Classic RockQuotes: What we do in life echoes an eternity
Books: The Alchemist, The monk that sold his ferrari
T.V. Shows: CSI, Heroes, Lost
Music: opera, Classic Rock
Quotes: What we do in life echoes an eternity
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Mobile Fundaz - treasure trove of info
Reviewed General Tips on Websites
I found the website of this company Mobile Fundaz (www.mobilefundaz.net)Â by visiting the Direct Marketing Association of India (DMAI) site. It turns out thatRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on piddling_puppy's review
I agree with your POV on the ppl tata outsources connection installations too. They are crude, have terrible BO and do not entertain calls whenever I run into a problem which is once every 2 months without fail! Since you're talking about false promises I feel compelled to share my experience wi Read More...
Followed piddling_puppy , kgbang , rajivness
Rated on piddling_puppy's review
Rated on mailtopuneetgupta's review
Commented on mailtopuneetgupta's review
This seems to a be a little extreme - but i would agree on the billing bit - they sent me a bill even after I had terminated the connection. Since you're talking about thieves another set of thieves I recently encountered is Version Next a fraud, scam company run by a criminal named Sanyog Shelar Read More...
Commented on kgbang's review
I would have to agree with your POV on TATA Indicom. I've used thier ADSL service across 2 packages and they always have downtime once every 2 months. The outage lasts several hours which makes life quite difficult since you're not reachable through the net during that time - so work comes to a grin Read More...
Rated on kgbang's review
Commented on rajivness's review
Thanks for the tip Rajiv, now I'll know to stay clear of these fraud people. I have confirmed your experience with my colleagues in other companies who cite the same level of dissatisfaction with Version Next. Thanks for saving me a lot of grief. I hope others read this review and stay clear of Vers Read More...
Rated on rajivness's review
Rated on mobservices's review
Commented on mobservices's review
I've known Rajiv Jadhav for a long time and have found him to be an honest, sincere and brilliant individual. Its unfortunate that bottom feeders like this sanyog shelar and version-next are attempting to tarnish his spotless image. I would advise readers to be vary of malicious people like this and Read More...
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