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Member Since:Jul 09, 2008
0 MS Points
I love having ''fun'' and moving around the country side. Love to make new friends and live life king size. I like to enjoy life at its best. Good food, luxury etc. Make new friends go around with them and have fun... Explore the country side day and night.... Cook food and have good food.
Review of the Day (1)
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Pioneer 2Din Audio System FH-P6050UB.
Reviewed Pioneer FH - P6050UB
I am too a music freek and enjoy good music. Unlike many youngsters I do not listem to Hard Rock. However, do enjoy loud music when the beats go rumbling. ThiRead more...
Maruti Cars Service and Support.
Reviewed Chowgule Industries Pvt Ltd - Pune
I have some wonderful experiences to share which I have come across with "Chowgules " Pune ( India ) . Like every customer would expect his car to shineRead more...
Wi-Fi your home and office.
Reviewed Tips on Networking on Computers
The world of computers is fast moving and evolving day by day. Its becoming more of a necessity. People use computers at home and office. Many have 2 or more Read more...
Buy a second hand Mercedes C class.
Reviewed Mercedes Benz C200
I know we have a lot of Car enthuse people here and thats what makes me write this for help. For many years I have been watching Mercedes Benz cars on rRead more...
LG 2 door refrigerator
Reviewed Choosing a Refrigerator
I am looking forward to buy a LG Model: GR-P267BTB Capacity: 721 litres refrigerator .The keen features are as follows. Home Bar and Water & Ice dispenser ERead more...
Gas Oven or Electric ovens ?
Reviewed Choosing a Cooking Range
I am not sure as which one to buy.. I want to buy the best but that gives a good cooking pleasure / experience every time you do something. I stay in India anRead more...
Don't think twice before you buy a wagon R Duo.
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Duo
Wagon R Duo is a total value for money as people say it. I bought a new WangonR Duo in pune from " Chaugule " at Satara Rd June 08. Its a beauty to drive and Read more...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Primea
It is a total value for money as people say it. I bought a new WangonR Duo in pune from Chaugule at Satara Rd June 08. Its a beauty to drive and all the comfoRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Yes, it does.
Thank you everyone. It means a lot to me and would certainly try and post some more reviews. @Harsh : I bought it from store called Plaza Car Stereo`s & Accessories Quarter Gate, 379, New Rasta Peth, next to YMCA Quarter Gate Pune-411001 Contact Mr Altaf.
Rated on sweet_shruti's review
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Commented on dhruv_tara's review
Hi ! Is the bike still available on Indian rds ? Whats the current scenario of the servicing and parts available ? I stay in pune. I enquired at a local dealer here and they say its not available with them but you can buy it in Mumbai.
Rated on sriguru's review
Commented on indrajit_pande's review
Hi ! I am planning to buy a Dell Monitor soon. I would like to know as how was the payment done on your side ?
Rated on makdt's review
Thank you :) Yes. Very true ! In the Linksys routers ’Mac address cloning’ is one such facility that provides you with ultimate wireless security you can look forward for in a G ’’ Soho ’’ wireless router. However, I personally would suggest WPA personal instead of WEP 64 bit or 128 bit security. WP Read More...
Quite possible if you say so. I am glad your experience with ’’ Maruti Suzuki ’’ has been good. I din’t find Sai Service so alarming when I went to them to fix a brake lamp. Had to wait long just to get a response and then was told its not in stock.
People say Mercedes can last a man for his life time. How true would that be if I buy a second hand one and get it fixed ?
I completely understand. However, would like to know as why do you say no ' Mercedes car ' ?
Rated on harishpr's review
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Rated on praveenbhade's review
Rated on pulsarian's review
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Ravi_Kapudia (@Ravi_KapudiaMouthShut Verified Member)
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