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Member Since:Jun 14, 2009
0 MS Points
A straightforward, transparent person, by profession an Engineer, always believe one day God will reward you for the good work you do, truly believes in friendship and relationship & trust good people still exists in this world. Playing with my son 'AARON', Surfing on my Lappy, watching news channels, Discovery, NG, HBO, Star Movies, Long drive and loves sleeping.
About Me
Food and Drinks: Muglai Food and drinks lots of waterBooks: Not an avid reader, but reads entire Newspaper.Movie Stars: Arnold, Pierce BrosnanMovies: The list is long but the best is ''The Pianist''T.V. Shows: Laughter the best medicineMusic: Kenny GQuotes: God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called ones.
Food and Drinks: Muglai Food and drinks lots of water
Books: Not an avid reader, but reads entire Newspaper.
Movie Stars: Arnold, Pierce Brosnan
Movies: The list is long but the best is ''The Pianist''
T.V. Shows: Laughter the best medicine
Music: Kenny G
Quotes: God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called ones.
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Dell Laptop - marvelous piece of engg
Reviewed Dell Inspiron 15
Days are gone when Laptops were considered in luxury segment, today laptop replaces desktop & becomes essential commodity due to their portability, mobility &Read more...
SBI use to make us CRY !!
Reviewed State Bank Of India
I remember years back when exists only nationalized bank like SBI, PNB etc. Depositing and withdrawing our own money required special planning from our day scRead more...
The best ever Design and Drafting package
Reviewed Autodesk AutoCAD
A two decade ago nobody would have thought, whatever we draw manually on paper can be drawn on computer more accurately, with exact measurement, precisely in Read more...
My first trip to Manali
Reviewed Manali
A much awaited holiday at some hill station we decided tocelebrate at Manali, since I was hit byrecession and had unlimited time off :-)considered as positiveRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on fenil_seta's review
Excellent review for a wonderful movie, No doubt it is worth watching again..!!! keep writing..Gud luck
Commented on derebail2008's review
Certainly spending 1000Crores Rs is worth watching, I just saw the premiere and loved it. We can find lots of you tube clips proving World is going to get over by 2012 Dec, really do not know how far it is true. But yes this movie is amazing..
Rated on itzmesuren's review
Rated on rosy.biswas's review
Followed rosy.biswas , fog_and_wind , mayas
Commented on euphoria_82's review
There is one saying.. 'dont judge the person by their relatives' same applicable here..few ppl in Rajasthan behave very rudely with outsiders with rough languages, I too strongly felt that.. but when I met some gud ppl my perception changed.. these kind of dirty ppl with no humanity exist all over o Read More...
Rated on richa.2004's review
Followed kultz , c_vignesh , meghna.dabhadkar , Traveller , itzmesuren
Followed tweety_bird79
Commented on Dinzaach82's article
Hi Every parent has gone through your age, they know very well 'Young blood' wont ride 200cc bike but would fly with it and thats what they're afraid of. I am a hard core biker started with yamaha and own pulsar 180, but I just use my car now, bcoz I know I just can not drive them slow. Parents ar Read More...
Avenger v/s DAD
Commented on kanika_22's article
I do agree.. No more dividing; as far as corrupt politicians, unorganized system and greedy ministers exists, I dont think ’Ek Aam Admi’ will get any benefit from these, except politicians filling their pockets. But How do we oppose this?? They aren’t asking our opinion either... :-)
Demand for creation of 10 new states before home ministry
Commented on rawraj's article
gud one !! I too have read it, posted similar story on my DP too. Infact India is not much affected by recession except US MNC but the HOT DOG story applies everywhere.
Is this Recession???
Followed rawraj
Kanika A news channel was showing this entire project is worth Rs.11000/-Crores !!!! Sometimes amazed who has approved such a huge amount to this dumb politician?? Mayavati has already inaugurated it 6 days before its schedule which Mulayam confirmed to run bulldozer over it, whatever happens, our Read More...
when will politicians change
Commented on evaluatress's article
Sad news Not good to hear MJ is no more at age 50. My Tribute to Pop star Michael Jackson for his contribution to Music & Dance. May his soul rest in peace...
I love you MJ
Followed Heng2005 , runu_aimer , kuns2s , smp.pandey , Paulsb02
Commented on fenil_seta's article
Fenil I too read in TOI how SRK statement was misquoted.. this is what journalism says ''baicho wohi jo log kharide'' i.e. ''masaledar'' news and this is what all news channel does today, beating around the bush...!!!
Fenil's Bollywood Talk # 54
Commented on sheetalgoel's review
great movie... ... .... .. .. .. ..... . ... ... excellent review !!!
Commented on vijaymb's review
I have travelled in Gulf Air quite some time, last on Jun 2006, not denying the fact their airlines maintains high standards. I too have felt that crew members are careless and rude with many indian co-passengers, certainly racism exist in Gulf Air. But not neglecting the fact most indian travelle Read More...
Followed Paromita_09 , nisha.bshr
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