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Member Since:Jan 02, 2019
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Land is good, but people are BAD
Reviewed Peram Group - Hyderabad
Investing in Land and believing in the person selling the land is a hand-in-hand approach. Looking at Perams brand and Marketing executives(Brokers / AgRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on saikumarponnada55's review
Glad you got a good experience with Peram! Did you took plot from Peram's venture? Which venture did you invested in? ''Did the development'' features mentioned above are completed and you are able to utilize them?
Commented on tummalaavinash98's review
Glad you got a good experience with Peram! Did you took plot from Peram's venture? Which venture did you invested in? 'Did the development' features mentioned above are completed and you are able to utilize them?
Commented on kumar8330's review
Good you have a pleasant experience with Peram. In which venture did you took your plot?
Commented on maddymedia's review
That's a huge loss to you!! Did you get your amount finally?
Commented on kishoreguptamunna's review
Are you looking for Peram DLF Garden City? Or Peram is forcing you to take in DLF Garden CIty?
Commented on kumarsrpegadotnet's review
Yeah.. true! It pains!
Commented on sgsekhar's review
Oh! What a pain. Did you got any update now?
Commented on linuxdevops5's review
Appears RameshBabu lied to you! Feeling the same thing with other agents (They call themselves as Directors :D and Cheifs, where people get deceived looking at their designation) Same thing happened to me.. they only call me for MONEY and new plots / venture launch. Never provided update / register Read More...
Rated on linuxdevops5's review
Commented on ravimalyala's review
Yes. That's true that Mortgage plots take time to release and register. But, it should be informed to the purchasers at the time of sale! However, you can still see the opportunity to sell the plot to any progressive buyer looking for 'Mortgaged' plots! Pos: A layout is said to be COMPLETED, i Read More...
Commented on Kumar10518's review
Diwakar jee, you are lucky with Peram. That's great. But we need to consider the pain of others too. It will pain more - if a negative review is NOT considered, then how can other be benefited. Kumar jee, yes - same is the case with me - before purchasing land, they will call, show land, show Read More...
Rated on Kumar10518's review
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