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Member Since:Jul 20, 2010
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Worse experience
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
Guys..Ive bought this bike on 15th of this month..in nearly 5 days Ive rode it 185 kms. I liked the vehicle.n its mileage is 46. and when I told tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Lonely_Rider's review
dude,,i bought ths bike on 15th of july..d bike initially has knocking sound..m 4m banglr n ve a good service centre..everything aftr chnging d oil got ok rght?? hw abt mileage? m getting a mileage of 48(eco) i mean un the city.. knocking is still der..total kms done is 2200 got the second service Read More...
Commented on 123santhi123's review
just go to d showroom..kick them n tell dem abt yer poor mileage.. dude i too own d same bike..it s giving me around 48..whr as it shld go to 55 in cities..
Commented on own review
it all depends on r riding..he showed me practically .. . .
its increased to 50.. n i consulted my dad's frnd 1 who owns a garage..he said it goes still higher aftr 2nd service.. i have run around 1700kms 2 months over
even my mileage reduced aftr 1st service :( my main moto of buying was mileage nly..it gave 46 initially n its nw 42 :( within few days m goin to d shwrum :( l kik dem up til i dont get 55 atleast
Commented on dr.vskiran's review
is 112 enough 4 a dis big machine?? i owned a hh glamour, being a 125cc small bike it reached 110 wit ease..whts ur mileage?
u travel in highways more...u got a top speed of??
how many kms done till now??
hw much s ur mileage?
112? pulsar n fz attains minnimum of 120, n rtr 160 attains 127
Commented on debasis_pat's review
dude..competation with zmr?? sounds funny..i ve posted a comment..just read it..i ve got a top speed of 102kmph..cant compare with a 225 cc zmr..
dud..i got the first service done..tested the high speed..its just worse it went upto 108..n it tuk around 2 mins to go 4m 90 2 108. i was just shocked..even my frnds..i tot it would compete wit unicorn,ha but no ways... pls suggest
yea..i ve never gone more dan 4k :) thnx :)
Commented on thinkers...'s review
guys i got this just on 15th...i got 46 mileage..when i askd d showroom abt this de said that it would gv d same till 2nd service..s it true?? i ve nt rode it above 55..n i too here knocking sound aftr i run a few kms of 5-6...d sound shld come r nt?? m tensed aftr seeing dis comment..suggest plsss Read More...
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