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Member Since:Aug 28, 2009
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My pet companion
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
This is my first review on this bike..I wont discuss the technical matters I just share the my experience with this bike SINCE ONE YEAR ;-). Before consRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sohaib.farooqui's review
Commented on sree975's review
Ok... Yeah Dude i forgot to remember that tappet and valve clutter like sound. Ya even i used to get that sound, after some 5000 rpm. but during 2nd servicing the service guys told they adjusted some valve clearance, from that time it got subsided. Anyways i always wear a helmet, and now what i can Read More...
Commented on 1234karthick123's review
hi ormaz, hunk doesn't have top end delivery like unicorn.. Its just a modified unicorn.. But with less performance than unicorn.. We can go to unicorn only instead hunk, thanks to its amazing mono shocks:-) really its comfort cannot be matched by any other..
hi sree 975, whats exactly the sound you are getting? some sort of tik tik tik? even my bike produces that man. explanation given by some mechanic is, thats due to the aluminium metal which cools more rapidly and the contracting metal produces such sound.. even i own this bike since one year Read More...
Commented on own review
hi scrmaxm ! congrats for owning unicorn ! this review is first part man, another long part describing practical aspect of gs is there, somehow thats not appearing in main reviews section even after posting it properly man. but u can read that clickin on my name and after that my reviews. u Read More...
Hi man, if you are travelling so much distance daily, and you told you need to travel fast. i think if you don’t have problem with mileage, karizma would have suited you best.. but since you want mileage also, you have chosen the right option man. congrats :-) i have been riding this bike since 1 ye Read More...
Commented on lavu_raj's review
then another thing, you should wait til 2nd service to test top speed and all dude. don't rip that after first service only. now you are allowed to cross 4500 rpm not to rip it hard.
no man, pulsar150 maximum true speed is 115. u note that pulsar is considerably lighter comparing heavy weight of our gs, which crosses 150kg after putting even 2 or 3 litres of petrol. so it is almost equal. do you know the top speed of a bullet! you will get amazed man. thunderbird has 115 o Read More...
til today i ve done 23700, 12th service got done yesterday.
hi raj, i dont know some how my second part of review is not appearing in main review page. i have detailed every aspect. i got a maximum of 112 km/hr in 5th in somewhat slopy road with pilion.
guys i own this bike since one year and top speed i attained is 112. mind u its in 5th gear, not in 6th. its meant only for cruising.
Commented on mohapatra.jyoti's review
HI, having read about your fz, i now becoming happy for having decided to buy SUZUKI GS150R
Rated on besk020's review
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