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Member Since:Apr 29, 2009
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Luminous Digital Invertor - Beware !!!
Reviewed Luminous Inverter and UPS
I bought a luminous digital invertor and battery (800 VA) exactly 10 days back. The dealer highlyb recommended luminous stating they had the best possible serRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on dsdalbir's review
Rated on ankita.kashyap's review
Commented on ankita.kashyap's review
nothing unusual or unethical . please read the terms and conditions before buying the tickets.
Rated on atul800's review
Commented on atul800's review
haha salesmen review good one. Luminous also needs to spend some time on training its bloggers so the review atleast looks like a genuine review and not an ad.
Commented on own review
It happened in Indirapuram You bozo. Are you going to go back in history and undo it? Why dont u go back to your employer and tell them to concentrate on making better products rather than paying idiots like you who cant even hide their identity? What say abhinaysinghiert?
Commented on dj.deepankar's review
Deepankar, I can understand what you are going through. The customer service team is the worst anyone could encounter. If someone did get service promptly, im sure it was a lucky exception.
Rated on dj.deepankar's review
Rated on vijaykumardhingra's review
Rated on pooja508's review
Commented on pooja508's review
please refrain from using mouthshut to promote the junk you sell as invertors. My invertor stopped working in 8 days flat and the customer service makes me think how foolish i have been to buy this crap product in the first place
Rated on uppal_ambersaria's review
Rated on abhinaysinghiert's review
Commented on abhinaysinghiert's review
Company sponsored review ,,,beware ,...do not go for luminous. Pathetic products and poor sorry pathetic customer service,
Rated on mshekharchopra6's review
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