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Member Since:Nov 11, 2008
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The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on karmaCola's review
what abuses are you talking about. i never abused you. anybody who disagrees with you, you feel that person is abusing you. check your language instead. you call people here demented mind, dimwit- what is all this. you think somebody is not replying then you have got all rights to say anything. Read More...
Commented on sainineeti's review
I can only laugh at YOU. you are such a sick character. So what if i have just joined today. I saw this review as this is also one of my favorite serials. You have an irritating mind girl which thinks too much. If anybody supports anyone then you take it personally. Thanks god that you finall Read More...
HAHAHA...... YIPEEEEE..... So do you have this disorder also of taking two people as one....? Just because I did not happen to support your view thats why you think that there are multiple ID's? what an insane cheapster you are? FOOL i must say that you are
Hi Karmacola, Read your review and comments of other viewers on your review as well. I feel that you are a person who is not willing to listen to others views. You are actually person with limited thinking. You feel that you know it all. You pass vague and cheap comments on peoples review and Read More...
karmacola, you are here again. i think you have taken a vow against everybody here. I have read sainineetis comments. I didnt find anything wrong or any indecent language. Infact you are the one who has made filthy comments. You feel that you are too modern and educated. Ha Ha .... do you Read More...
Hi Sainineeti, A very good review. I am impressed by the way you think. Good content and simple language. You ahve covered all aspects of the serial. Your review makes me feel that there is still some culture left in our country because of people like you who dont think that pallu is a sign o Read More...
Rated on sainineeti's review
Followed sainineeti
Hi Karmacola, Read your review and commnets of other viewers on your review as well. I feel that you are a person who is not willing to listen to others views. You are actually person with limited thinking. You feel that you know it all. You pass vague and cheap comments on peoples review and Read More...
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