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Member Since:Jan 31, 2009
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I still miss my days wth su-kam
Reviewed SU-Kam Power Systems LtdÂ
It was like a dream come true for me to work with Su-Kam. I still fondly remember my days. We had lots of masti and loads of work. Every achievement is celebrRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on umehta's review
Very true. Dats why the company is so famed. Keep up the good work folks.
Rated on umehta's review
Commented on srishtigupta's review
I agree. I hope the culture remains the same forever...
Followed umehta , aayush.seth
Commented on shivani.k's review
It is as simple as that, in company review they will write about the company only why product. But actually you people too duffer to apply mind, so dnt mind.
Commented on aayush.seth's review
Good work done. Keep it up. HPCL should aim for more such outlets.
Rated on aayush.seth's review
Rated on srishtigupta's review
Rated on yadav.rv1's review
Followed srishtigupta , shivani.k
Rated on shivani.k's review
Commented on yadav.rv1's review
Sorry yadav sahab - I dont agree with you, I worked with the company and I swear by its gud culture. They give loads of freedom to work and the bonding is strong. Don't do such things on purpose. Don't blame the company if you could not perform. This is just not fair... I have my bestest memories of Read More...
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