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Member Since:Jan 30, 2009
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Relaible product from Su-Kam
Reviewed Su-Kam Pure Sine Wave
I purchased Su-Kam inverter and Battery in January 2007. For past over 24 months it did not give any problem. Some times it tripped initially once or twice buRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
I recently bought this PPS (Power Protection System) with built in TDR (Time Delay Relay) from Su-Kam. It comes in two ranges - 6 Amps and 16 Amps. When attached with your applicances, it takes care of high / low voltage cuts and saves them. It is so amazing that last week when there was exceptional Read more...
Commented on krish.in's review
I too have a similar experience. I bought Su-Kam later and I am quite satisfied.
Rated on krish.in's review
Commented on mandeep.in's review
Dear readers - dont ever go for luminous products... you will repent like thousands of us who did.
Rated on mandeep.in's review
Commented on meenasubir's review
I agree... I too have a bad experience..Total Govt office attitude out ther...
Rated on meenasubir's review
I agree - the product and service are both bad. I bet you wont get through their service number for once.
Followed mandeep.in , meenasubir , krish.in , dash123440
Commented on dash123440's review
I don't know about the website but the product is a total junk. A poor product backed by worst service.
Rated on pooja508's review
Commented on pooja508's review
Ha Ha Ha....So luminous is now indulging into such petty things...a product catalogue written by a paid person on a review site...what else you expect from them.
Commented on uppal_ambersaria's review
What else do you expect, its a bad company with worse product.
Rated on brijindermanu's review
Commented on brijindermanu's review
I agree - all inverters make little noise. But it is not so much of a botheration.
Rated on suhana.khan.mumbai's review
Commented on suhana.khan.mumbai's review
I am also using a Su-Kam inverter and SMF battery for last 22 months. The performance is good and the back-up time is reasonable. Good products I must say.
Followed suhana.khan.mumbai , srishtigupta , shivani.k , mandeepmatta , aayush.seth
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