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Member Since:Nov 10, 2004
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Education: BE/B.Tech
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Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on saatvik45042's review
Every staff in Club Mahindra is cheat. They are rewarded for cheating their clients. This is organization is run by criminals, they are NOT afraid of laws of land on image of the organization, they have no business ethics. Their sales people are not paid and they have make their money by commission Read More...
Commented on deepmidas's review
Club Mahindra sales staff is tarnishing image of sales professional. They arenot sales people but they are pimps. They can go to any extent to get their sales commission. Once they get their sales commission, they do not own any responsibility. They would want client relation team to clean their sh Read More...
Commented on rizwank's article
You catch hold of sales person Rizwan, you should catch hold of the sales person who has created the mess for you. Sales person gets his sales commission for his sales, he is responsible to clean his shit. They will try to pass the buck, they will make you run from pillar to post. You do not allow s Read More...
Club Mahindra Holiday Registration Atrocities
Commented on r_mukherj's review
It is interesting. Despite of availing holiday, Ms. Ritoja Mukherjee does not want to be member. of CMH. It shows, how pathetic is service of this great organization called Club Mahindra, people fall prey to the name Mahindra. It is disgusting.
Commented on sanjaybatra's review
People who couln't get thier money back should strip sales person in public and parade them naked.
Commented on yaminisud's review
I think their MD must be aware of these frauds. He master brain behind this scam. I don't think monkeys at lower level can play so much of mischief without consent of 'Abdul Karim Telgi' who is kingpin of this scam.
Commented on ClubMahindra's response
It is a scam By looking at so many complaints against Club Mahindra, It is obvious that there is criminal brain like 'Abdul Karim Telgi' behind this scam. But these scamsters should know that Abdul Karim Telgi is now in jail.
Response to Review
Commented on manjiriranjit's review
This must a self promoted review. Otherwise so many memeber will not against Club Mahindra
Same story & same response One more story, which is again a case of cheating and response from CM is again the same,cut & paste.
Only solution to problems is, all the members should unite and sue Club Manhidra is court. It true that this organization will close very soon, in these days od internet and blogs, no criminal organization on survive.
How come every body has same story It seems club mahindra's motto is to cheat. They train their sales how to cheat innocent public. Modus operandi is the same. Give some story, make people to pay and as soon as they get payment, CM (mis)management, does not bother. I am not sure Club Mahindra pays t Read More...
This is in response to your review
Stereo type response Response by Club Mahindra is stereo type. It looks Club Mahindra has asked some semi-educated clerk to cut & paste same response to every issue raised on this web site. I don't think even club mahindra management reads these response.
Return my money Rs. 92,000/- My membership is 858688. Please organise to retutn my money.
This is their ploy This their ploy. When I wrote them ealier to their officila mail they dinot bother to respond.
Crocodile tears Please don't shed crocodile tears. I had written to branchManager, zonalManager, clientRelationship manager. No body has courtesy to respond to my mail. Now that I have cancelled my membership, I would prefer to get my money back. Cheating is Club Mahindra's motto. In this Read More...
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