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Member Since:Mar 18, 2008
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Our Xylo Has Come Home !!!
Reviewed Mahindra Xylo
After months of research and deliberation and several test drives later , our Xylo has finally come home! One of the main reasons for the delay was that my soRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Hi Mrinal, Our Xylo story is not a sad one ! We are happy and satisfied with our Xylo as of now. Only problem is that rats are gaining entry into it. It has happened 3 times and we used mouse traps to catch them. We talked to the dealer and he said that this is common. Our Xylo has been appreciated Read More...
Commented on patriot111's review
Thanks for the warning! It would have been more effective if you had given more details and had been ready to answer queries. Your not answering questions raises questions about the credibility of your warning..
There is a warning about break pipes in a recent review. Do not know what to make of it?
Thank you Dinesh! Mahindra has been in the auto market for a long time now and some of its models like Scorpio are very popular. So maybe you do not need to worry about quality so much.
Thank you Mazhar and Sandeep! Great to have friends like you and to be a part of the Xylo community. I guess the Xylo looks will slowly gain popularity. It takes time for people to get used to something new.
Commented on Faridoon's review
A good, well written review ! Will definitely see it. Aamir is truly the best thing in the Hindi movie industry.
Thank you for the advice, Mr. Vijaygop. I will convey it to my husband.
Commented on santoshkrn's review
The Xylo has a smaller turning radius than Innova and is thus easier to maneuver on Indian roads. It is more fuel efficient, more spacious and the seats are definitely more comfortable.THe third row of Innova is a mockery and can only accomodate children if it is a long trip. Xylo's third row is exc Read More...
Commented on sandeeprajdl's review
Thanks for your review and detailed comments, Sandeep! It is really informative. We were thinking of buying E4 but were unable to decide.We are a family of five(all adults) and our driving will mainly be within the city.We live in Bangalore Considering the traffic conditions here, we were in a dilem Read More...
Rated on MadCarLover's review
Commented on MadCarLover's review
Thanks for a very informative review ! It would be great if you could give details of the deal you got, the discounts, free accessories etc.
Commented on Vijaygop's review
The team bhp review did'nt mention any variants.Since it was a test drive report it must have been an E8(all dealers have E8 for test drive). It said that the Xylo has horrible brakes and does'nt want to stop. Maybe he was speeding a lot.Thanks for clearing my doubts!
Commented on mazhar.ynt's review
Thank you, Mazhar for your response! It is very helpful.Enjoy your Xylo!
Rated on mazhar.ynt's review
I read on a Team bhp review that the brakes are horrible in Xylo.Is it true? It is important as I am considering the E4 variant which has no ABS. Another thing, I visited a Mahindra service centre/godown in Marathally,Bangalore recently.There are many Xylos there.The salesman told me that there is n Read More...
Congratulations! I am also from Bangalore and the Xylo is on my wishlist. Your review is very informative and helpful. I read on a Team bhp review that the brakes are horrible in Xylo.Is it true? It is important as I am considering the E4 variant which has no ABS. Another thing, I visited the Shiris Read More...
Rated on observer59's review
We are also planning to buy a vehicle and have shortlisted Aveo, Hyundai20, Fiat Linea and Xylo.My son has an Alto.You have written that the Xylo is as easy to drive as an Alto. This is in contrast to what others have written in their reviews. Could you please elaborate on this?What has been your ex Read More...
Commented on albany's review
Albany, I did enjoy your sense of humour. You seem to have a grudge against big cars. Being a Bangalorean myself I dont blame you.
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