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Member Since:Aug 24, 2010
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Education: BE Comp Sc
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Do not take your loved ones to Manipal
Reviewed Manipal Hospital - Kodihalli - Bangalore
This is to let everybody know that I lost my little innocent sister because of the gross negligence of the doctors at Manipal Hospital. She was a 22-yr old giRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on a_victim's review
Commented on bhoo320's review
Dr Holla is a killer, we are in such a powerless country that we common people cannot take any action against these licensed killers.
Commented on visnac75's review
I am going to put this in TOI..just wait..These guys are killers. and Indian Judiciary is another pain where u cannot expect anything which is why these idiots are enjoying..
Commented on anjun's review
I agree, it is very rare that doctors get punished for their negligence, I really want Dr Holla to be banned..he is a killer..but to be able to do that we all need to stand together..because, if one person tries to do so, manipal being a big org can bribe all levels and get away with it
Commented on nand2000's review
Cant believe this hospital is still running..I want to sue them really, but its so difficult in this country..
Rated on nand2000's review
Commented on ashokkumarbk's review
Please read my review...Ihave undergone same thing..These hospitals are nothing but money suckign elements...I wish I had read this before we admitted my sister...I really have been trying to sue this hospital..I wish I am successful in doing so..
Rated on ashokkumarbk's review
He is the one who is responsible for my little sister's death..he is extreemely rude and highly irresponsible.. I wish..he goes thru the same pain tht we are going thru..
Rated on anjun's review
Rated on bindu_hima's review
Commented on bindu_hima's review
This is again a made up review by manipal folks..
Rated on hemshp's review
Rated on joy_sengupta's review
Commented on joy_sengupta's review
Niether he mentioned the problem he nor he elaborated on what extra did the manipal guys did to fix those..Pretty made up
Rated on kapilmalhotra's review
Commented on kapilmalhotra's review
I agree with Teju666
Rated on meenashankar's review
Commented on meenashankar's review
No information has been provided to justify these praises?? No incidents cited which proves these stupid flowery dreamy poetry like review.. This is more like an ad than like a review. This is clearly fake and I feel Manipal people instead of doing their job, are paying people to write such stup Read More...
Rated on rajeev01's review
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