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Member Since:Oct 30, 2002
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nothing much ..... biding my time. many ......
About Me
Education: MBA...... not much help
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I love it
Reviewed BMW Z4
I have absolutely no knowledge of what’s under the bonnet and my review here is “simply personal experience” and just that. I bought the carRead more...
Plagiarism at its worst
Reviewed Zinda
The movie is a scene-by-scene remake of a 2003 South Korean masterpiece called OLDBOY. Keeping in mind the sensibilities of Indian audiences, the director chaRead more...
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'No'
WHAT CAN I REALLY SAY ABOUT President of the United States ( POTUS ),Cheney ,Rummy and Powell . He He I will be hackneying the issue by reiterating the oil tRead more...
The Truth
Reviewed Dilbert Principle, The - Adams Scott
An exaggeration ,a hyperbole but I guess that what satirical innuendoes are all about. I keep the Dilbert series at work , right next to my dads pictureRead more...
Its a fine balance between time and accuracy
Reviewed Tips for CAT Preparation
I took CAT in 1998. I can vouch for the fact that CAT is tougher and a better test of skills than even L-SAT. Much must have changed since 98 but there are a Read more...
Must read it twice in succession to fall prey to
Reviewed One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Garcia takes magic realism to a whole new dimension ....ben okri , rushdie , gunter grass all trail a step behind. Despite the translation the language is surRead more...
IMI New Delhi
Reviewed IMI-Delhi
I am an alumni of the college and would rate my experience as unparalleled ..........I wouldnt say that IMI is the Harvard of India but certainly among the toRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
It is a mistake ... for some reason I could not log in and had to create another id and then I logged in and so on.................
Rated on shuklamegha's review
Commented on guybrushthreepwood's review
You are a good writer but a tad descriptive for a science student . I am glad that u liked the movie ..... ....... as for afronsky's other ......... I had a hard time finding 'Pi :Faith in chaos' ............ i had to order it over netflix...... Keep Writin Read More...
Commented on howardroark's review
I really liked your review , it was exhaustive and there really isnt much that I would want to add as far the appraisal of this wonderful book is concerned . There is just one thing that may be aptly at this point and that is the MOVIE that was made by DEV Read More...
Rated on cuchillo99's review
Commented on dazzlingpiscean's review
Well said . No amount of speculation on our part can really figure out the sheer stupidity of this war.......
Rated on karana23's review
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