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Member Since:Feb 03, 2007
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Tata Safari Dicor 3.0L LX
Reviewed Tata Safari
Its me again. Its been almost 20 months now... since I purchased the car. My warranty is over now and I took the car to the first paid servicingRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on maheshsood's review
Commented on maheshsood's review
every company has ups and downs. should not only blame expats. should find the root cause of the problems.
Commented on liby's review
ok,,, i am DEFINITELY NOT buying chevy spark.... thanks for the info. it is sad though... that the car is fantastic... the delay is caused because of the shipment. it is being made in south korea currently. that is why you will find gas filled shock absorbers in your cars. GM is currently buildin Read More...
Commented on vipuljain's review
shit! this aint good news. I have tata safari dicor bought 20 months ago. I liked the car but the car has just too many problems. I am thinking of chaging it to innova. I also have matiz...the old model. it is 6 years old now and i wanted to upgrade to spark. The car itself has no problems... but m Read More...
Rated on vipuljain's review
Commented on kripanidhi's review
hi, i have safari dicor currently. I have been driving for last 10 years now. and i am a car freak. If you look closely, innova has an enormous body with a small wheels compared to other cars. Also, the brakes in front are disc which is really small compared to the car's weight and body size. Read More...
Commented on rameshbalasundaram's review
hi, i also own safari dicor. i have posted my article. I have faced similar situation in pune. My car suddently stopped in the middle of a flyover. The faulty crank sensor and start motor(I suspect the rescue team damaged the motor while trying to start my car forcibly) was the problem for which Read More...
Commented on sombab's review
hi, this is mimneskesde and i am a member of mouth shut.com. i have put up my reviews. i totally agree with you. i have not seen a single customer who did not have any trouble with tata car. somehow the problem creeps in. Tata has come up with cost cutting initiative which compromised on quality and Read More...
Commented on own review
it's the old 3 litre engine. There is no difference except the engine and dashboard layout. The same problem exist.
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