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Member Since:Aug 03, 2010
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Reviewed Fiat Linea
I bought my Linea emotion pack Diesel from Metro Motors, Ambala on 26 Jul 10 and have done about 1700 kms so far. The staff at the showroom was extremely courRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on anushkapriya76's review
@ alavandar Thanks for the tips! Also go dead slow over speedbreakers that u expect may scrape.
Rated on alavandar's review
Commented on drjes's review
@ drjes A very close friend of mine owns a SX-4 and I found that the running cost was very high because of the poor milage. I drive a lot and own a diesel car, so I wanted to go in for a diesel car only. However u can check out the performance of the new engine and compare it with The Linea petrol Read More...
Thats nice.... May u buy the best car!
Commented on kartiksub's review
yes i too just read about it on teambhp thread. Try contacting Aashish Bhardwaj Product Manager FIAT INDIA AUTOMOBILES PVT LTD Corporate Park - II, 5th Floor, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur, MUMBAI - 400 071 Tel: +91-22-67293800, 67293836(D) Fax: +91-22-25226326 All the best.
Commented on VickyJudge's review
This is not fair.... Try speaking to Mangesh - 9923752425, mail - mangesh.kodalkar@fiapl.com. Also write to the CEO on Rajeev.Kapoor@fiat.com Go to team bhp site and serf through the ownership threads..... you may find something useful. All the best!
Rated on drjes's review
I suggest you put in a request for a test drive on the official site and also write about this incident to the CEO. The car is worth a test drive.... even if u decide not to buy it. Rejecting the car due to one casual dealer's attitude is not in your interest also because it is a good car. Also the Read More...
Commented on Vijay_Verma's review
Looks like yz12 is extremely insecure about Honda City losing to Linea..... I totally agree with Hari and jkby! The bottom line is everybody is free to choose his or her car...which anyways people will do. Our review is only aimed at stating facts which may or maynot be visible in the 30 minutes int Read More...
Rated on ashyap's review
Rated on aamullaji2000's review
Commented on aamullaji2000's review
One should go for a test drive without any prejudice and an open mind.
Rated on redangel's review
Rated on ItsMeHITESH_A's review
Rated on naveen_79's review
Friend.... How is your new car doing?
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