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Member Since:Dec 04, 2015
632 MS Points
About Me
Education: Studying in last year of engineering.
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Awesome chocolate Dosa at Anand Stall
Reviewed Anand Stall - Vile Parle West - Mumbai
Two days ago one of my friend were told me about this place which is in Vile Parle west, western Mumbai. So I decides to check and get some information aboutRead more...
Not so good
Reviewed Amazon
Usally I prefer amazon application instead of website. But comparing with other online websites I dislike amazon. Reasons for disliking it: - 1) Its slow pRead more...
Nice place
Reviewed Global Affair - Borivali - Mumbai
I have heard about this restaurant from my friends and watched great videos of its desserts on instagram. Finally yesterday me and my three friends visited tRead more...
Awesome sandwich
Reviewed Dharma's Sandwich - Borivali - Mumbai
Me and my friends yesterday first time eat dharmas sandwich and it was too good and tasty. Dharmas sandwich store is located at ashok van in borivali wRead more...
Bad network
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
Hello friends I am writing this review about tata docomo mobile operator that I am not satisfied with it. Tata docomo is an indian cellular service provider Read more...
My first phone
Reviewed Nokia 5530 Xpressmusic
Nokia 5530 xpressmusic is my first smart phone which I had got from my dad as gift when I was passed out my ssc exams. It was very famous smart phone as therRead more...
Not satisfied
Reviewed Singh Is Bliing
In this movie Akshay Kumar leads the main role, with him Amy Jackson is lead actress. Lara Dutta, Kay Kay menon also their in this movie. Movie was directed Read more...
Nice Product
Reviewed Philips QT4001 Trimmer
Philips is one of the best company usually famous for electronic products. I bought Philips Qt4001 trimmer last month and I used it after every three to fourRead more...
Nice creation
Reviewed Angry Indian Goddesses
After such a long time I watched great Bollywood movie. How indian womens are suffering throughout their lives can be found in this movie. Movie is caRead more...
Nice product
Reviewed Colgate MaxFresh
The Colgate-Palmolive Company is an American multinational consumer product company focused on the production, distribution and provision of household, healthRead more...
Vlc-best media player for pc and mobile phones.
Reviewed VLC Media Player
VLC media player is a part of pc or now a days part of mobile phones mostly used for watching movies and listening music. I have never used any other player tRead more...
Lenovo -G50-80
Reviewed Lenovo G50-80 Notebook
This Lenovo G50-80 notebook is very impressive with my personal experience. It includes core i3-5th generation, 4GB DDR 500GB HDD and the great part with windRead more...
Reviewed Canon Pixma MP 287 Multifunction Printer
In this Diwali I have bought my canon Pixma printer with great offer of Rs. 4500 and got free cartridge of colour ink. For first time use any one got some difRead more...
Cinemax -infinity mall malad
Reviewed CineMAX: Infiniti Mall - Malad West - Mumbai
Malad city is popular for various things like MM mithaiwala, Natraj market, Marve beach, Aksa beach, Inorbite mall, and the very famous Infinty mall and many Read more...
Lumia 520
Reviewed Nokia Lumia 520
I used Nokia Lumia 520 with red back cover having very great interface, animation, best screen touch quality, sound system, and specially the camera of 5mp. IRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on flavybarnes71964's review
I rate it somewhat useful because I am not that much satisfied with it. I use myntra application but it is not properly gives me service.
Rated on flavybarnes71964's review
Commented on iamsushanta's review
Yes I also like to use vlc media player. It is very effective application. Thanks for review.
Rated on iamsushanta's review
Commented on cryshnon's review
Very nice review. Information is useful. Thank you sir and congratulations for ROD.
Rated on cryshnon's review
Rated on jaymeenchavda's review
Rated on Ajay0770's review
Commented on dipikarathod08's review
I got replacement from them
Rated on dipikarathod08's review
Commented on pandeyneeraj014's review
Good inverter in low price
Rated on pandeyneeraj014's review
Commented on sohailshaikh5677's review
Good review bro truely satisfied by your review
Rated on sohailshaikh5677's review
Rated on preeyanka08's review
Rated on eldhoskariah1993's review
Commented on manka121's review
Very nice facilities at this gym
Rated on manka121's review
Commented on maitreyeemajumder's review
Thank you for information.
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Team DrBatras (@DrBatrasHealthMouthShut Verified Member)
Karthik Prakash (@karthikprakeshMouthShut Verified Member)
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