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Member Since:Oct 07, 2003
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Education: BE
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Best buy for home use
Reviewed Philips-DVD 727K
Why did you buy this product? I had a old Sony VCR (15 years). Its only usage these days was to see old family videos. I wanted to dispose this off. In MarchRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on flipvertical's review
Commented on sanjaybh7's review
Hi Buddy, I got the whole unit side mirror replaced for Rs2,200/- Some body has fed you wrong prices. BTW, only mirror cost Rs 300/-
Commented on chitres's review
Check this: China uses Honda City as their Police car http://www.alexallied.com/life/china-uses-honda-city-as-their-police-car
Rated on chitres's review
This guy is speaking out of his mind: > It is decade old model introduced by Honda and not comparable to with global / international models. Honda City ZX is the same model sold across the world: Japan: Honda Fit Aria UK: Honda Jazz (hatchback) US: Honda Fit (hatchback) India, Singapore, Read More...
Commented on kgkaran's review
Why didn't you wait till SX4 ?? SX4 beats Verna all round - you can't mention a single factor where Verna scores. BTW, your impression about Honda City is wrong. You need to drive that car more to understand.
Rated on pritamshetty's review
Commented on nitind66's review
I have ZX GXi. Once I had to load 2 rice gunny bags, each of 52Kgs in the boot. Also I had 5 large people & their luggage. I had to 50Km on bad stretch & 100Km on a high way. I must say City went like dream. It took all the potholes, bumps on the bad stretch without any noise. On highway, the car wa Read More...
Commented on drfarhan74's review
Power part: Whatever the manufacturers quote as BHP, its the power at the wheels that matter. In other cars, power is spent on: 1) Turning wheels 2) Running AC 3) Turning steering (sincei its hydraulic) In Honda City, steering is EPS & hence power is spent on only 1 & 2.
Commented on pritamshetty's review
City is meant for mainly city driving. Its a very nimble car & requires minimal driving effort. My reply: 1) Its not how thick the metal is but how safe it is. If Honda City has crumble zones & saves life, then so bit. 2) Its engine power is adequate for city driving. If you want speed, you have Read More...
Commented on navr's review
I have been a resident of Bangalore. For past 2 years I was in Mumbai and again I am back in Bangalore. I agree with you. I find Customer Service in Bangalore needs to improve a lot. I am sure in next few years you will expect your desired level of customer service. Please give them time. It takes t Read More...
Commented on ashlyak's review
I have been a resident of Bangalore. For past 2 years I was in Mumbai and again I am back in Bangalore. I agree with you. I find Customer Service in Bangalore needs to improve a lot. My estimate is in 5 years you will expect your desired level of customer service. Please give them time. It takes tim Read More...
Commented on own review
1) When I say 'No mp3 Tag support', I mean that the player doesn't read mp3 tag info from mp3 files. However, the file name of mp3 is displayed. 2) Progressive scanning is supported only by high-end TVs (ie, TVs which can take component video as input).
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