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Member Since:Jan 23, 2002
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Education: Sometstuff
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The Pulsar 150 - Good buy
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar
My first review after a very long time, for the latest bike Ive ridden, the Pulsar 150. Indigenously manufactured and designed in Japan, I think, this iRead more...
The Revolutionary
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ - Disc Brake
The CBZ has to its name the credit of having launched the bike revolution in India. For that Im eternally grateful to it. It shares the first two letterRead more...
A Killer of a bike
Reviewed TVS Suzuki Shogun
There are times when you feel like doing something that you havent done. Going somewhere you havent gone. Pushing everyone out of the way, and ridRead more...
The All-in-one PowerGod
Reviewed TVS Suzuki Fiero - KS
Okay, I wont start of by taking the name of the bike, or the punch-line. Ill start off with the bottom-line. Regardless of what youre lookinRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on ehpravi's review
I had booked a domain on Indiatimes, and it's been a month, and the order status is still 'Order under process'. Never mind the fact that two weeks back, I gave up and booked the same domain on GoDaddy, which was live *instantly*. Indian hosting providers really do suck.
Rated on ehpravi's review
Rated on carbuff's review
Rated on panditrao's review
Commented on panditrao's review
Not true, my son. What you say is baseless and overly exaggerated. No concrete points.
Commented on enticer_man's review
Good review, but I scream out loud from the depths of despair, 'WHERE, my son, is the Shogun?', and what is the studly RX100 doing all the way down at number 17? And the RD? And what is the Eliminator doing all the way up there?
Followed dhruv_tara
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Commented on dhruv_tara's review
A very well-thought out review, Dhruv. I would love to read more such reviews, with viewpoints like yours, rather than those who say `bike good, nice. keep conditioned.' or such.
Rated on arshi_cynthia's review
Rated on Surinder's review
But one thing... you said it gives a mileage of 75... umm... yeah, o-kay...
Rated on sameir's review
Rated on vinaysavla's review
Rated on vishesh22's review
Rated on freestyler's review
Rated on Venchasa's review
Commented on Venchasa's review
One problem I have, tho... best time to listen is while reading or studying or something. I think that should be changed to when breathing or thinking. Just a thought. Waitasec.. thought... thassaformof think. Thinking renders itself on my memory...... wwohafspoh I'm confused. I need a Floyd song... Read More...
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