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Member Since:Jan 06, 2006
0 MS Points
ummmmmmm.....I donno!well I guess my friends know me more than i know myself...ask them!:P. Interests....I love Music! Can't survive without it!Especially A R Rahman's music :D
About Me
Education: 11th humanities
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Hats off to Nagesh Kukunoor!
Reviewed Dor
Dor…..A movie that never lets u take off your eyes from the silver screen! It is like it really ties up all your attention with a DOR :D!!! But it is truly maRead more...
ARR all the way!
Reviewed Ten Best Songs of A.R. Rahman
The name A R Rahman needs no introduction .The man who redefined contemporary Indian music and is the pride of the entire nation and an idol for millions all Read more...
A Driving Force.........
Reviewed Five Best Inspirational Songs
Inspiration as I perceive is the driving force that makes any person go ahead and complete a deed or as a matter of fact lets take their dreams…or goals….As mRead more...
Reviewed Rang De Basanti Songs
AR Rahman today stands tall and is undoubtedly a cut above the rest. The entertainment industry has got highest of regards for this musical prodigy who has siRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on arundhati90's review
U spoke ur heart girl!!! After reading this Tribute to aunty(review doesn't sound a proper word for this one! :) ) I realised about the things I too m missing to say and do for my mom! Truly loved it dear... Did aunty read it??? I m sure that tears will roll out her eyes and she wud ju Read More...
Commented on the_analyst's review
Well as u know I m a complete nerd in terms of 'FOOTBALL'!!!and u can't expect me to 'discuss' it as the others!But genuinely I gotta know a lotta stuff abt football and how can I forget ur God-lionel Messi![:P]Hee hee!Well, I shud tell u that the review was cool!and Awesome! and GENUINE! (which ac Read More...
Commented on own review
First of all thank u very much for the comment!its really very encouraging!There are soo many ppl who read the review but never care to comment!!! Nd there are no doubts abt the outstanding performances given by the actors!Nd I loved the way Nagesh has made a reli sensitive movie with such Read More...
Hee hee!Yaa I guess the reaction was rite! :P Well Thank u very much for the support! Keep writing:D, ~Mudra
To sum it up, ‘Dor’ is a film that definitely ought to be seen once. The movie’s theme is most relevant and the way it has been brought forth, without any melodrama and overblown emotions, is what makes the movie truly compelling. The dialogues are earthy and partly rooted in the local parlance. Th Read More...
None of the women knew that their worlds are going to collide...But a life-changing piece of news reaches both women at the same instance, and sets into motion a series of events that will change their lives forever. Even though they both are different..They form a unique bond of lov Read More...
My continuation got deleted! :O!!!Oh god...I'll have to write it again!:(......nyways thanx for the comment! Buh byee!Take care, ~mudra
Rated on the_analyst's review
Sorry for being late yet again!...Lots of reasons!...will tell ya laterzzz..:D Yet another awesome review! Loved all the listed movies...But there are more of his flicks that I truly LOVED! like.....ummmm....Swades,Dil se :D,DTPH...............................and hopefully the list will be update Read More...
Rated on HBK_mockingbird's review
Commented on HBK_mockingbird's review
I am so sorry to be late ! and ya belated Happy friendship's day! As u wrote in the review...Friendship is a beautiful relationship...without which one is incomplete! Gr8 review! Have heard all the songs except the one by Westlife! I love all the others so i guess i'll have to hear this one too! Read More...
Followed HBK_mockingbird
Gr8 review!Awesome Debut...Welcome to MS! Being a girl ofcourse I do believe that there should not be any discriminations between a girl and a boy!Today the world IS progressing...but as u wrote ppl will have to change their misconceptions and their stupid beliefs to realise the Truth... :) (well i Read More...
Sorry for being late!Yet another 'hatke' review!:P ya u r rite...i cud recall all those wonderful episodes of small wonder and could not stop giggling..hee hee! :D My favorite episode was when Vici turns Ted and Joan into robots!!!And the way Jamie enjoys the freeeedom and realises their absence w Read More...
Commented on dwivediakash's review
Nice review!A really good thought-provoking forward!Hope that the govt. reli takes some action....And those stupid terrorists get some sense and stop killing innocent ppl!!!!I know its quite difficult but Hope is the only thing that we can d o at present! Keep writing! -Mudra
Commented on nandakumar's review
Gr8 review!....Truly gr8!!! U've put in soo many points in the review which i never thot abt!The contribution of the Mumbaikars is truly awesome!I feel like saluting each of them!!! Salaam Mumbai indeed!!! Keep writing! -Mudra
Rated on nandakumar's review
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
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