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Member Since:May 26, 2005
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LG RD7130..old warhorse..going great
Reviewed LG RD7130
LG RD7130 - a very old model for CDMA technology! Why write a review now? Let me profess two reasons - that the set is still on offer on Reliance website and Read more...
Great product - sans the bulb!
Reviewed Kenstar OM-34ECR
Microwave cooking is not new to me. I was using these machines in their original avatar of only one function - MICROWAVE. They were expensive too. My microwavRead more...
Libero G5 - Good or ??
Reviewed Yamaha Libero G5
I bought a Yamaha Libero G5 motorcycle two months ago for Rs.38,990.00 in the city of Lucknow. Though I thought I will write about it immediately, nominal useRead more...
Great car! (Or is it a SUV?)
Reviewed Ford Fusion
I recently bought Ford Fusion. I selected it for its ruggedness (DURATEC DOHC engine), which only high-end cars / SUVs sport, as well as the space and rRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on anubhavpandey's review
Commented on anubhavpandey's review
Nice share of one's feeling. Minor points from my side - the Jazz missed not only on height adjustment but also alloy wheels. Leaving this, even a simple item like mud flaps are not part of the base version! In comparison, the ASTA variant of i20 provides all you would expect. The car is readily a Read More...
Commented on jazzdelhi's review
Dear jazzdelhi, Nice write-up. Just a feeling.. Compared to your previous car, Jazz should be pretty good! I wish you may update on your experience further. Considering a plan to buy a premium hatchback, did you not consider Hyundai i20? Any other consideration which prompted you to buy Read More...
Followed jasmine
Commented on own review
That is so with every four wheeler! Is it not? The gear shifting, I feel is tardy. The first two gears behave differently, as compared to the next ones. The Fusion should cruise at atleast 40 kmph and above for a enjoyable ride. Thats' what I was referring to!
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