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Member Since:Apr 02, 2004
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The one trait for which I am both hated and loved is my blunt, matter-of-fact, to-hell-with-emotions kind of outspokenness. I am never afraid to speak out and say what I think about anything. Very opinionated, very egotistical, very pig-headed and still sensitive, sensible and fair-minded. My living philosophy is ''Dream what you want to dream, do what you want to do, go where you want to go because this is your life and you get only one chance at it.'' More about me and from me can be read at my blog: http://sunilgoswami.blogspot.com. Biking, reading, chatting movies, traveling, hanging out with friends and of course making new friends.
About Me
Education: Graduate
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Not partner, thief!
Reviewed Partner
David Dhawan movie with Govinda and Salman in main starcast, the promise is big. The movie itself however, fails to deliver completely on this promise. In thRead more...
A perfectly woven web
Reviewed Spiderman 3
More often than not sequels are made for making money by cashing in on the success of a hit movie. I am glad to see that the Spiderman series is an exceptionRead more...
3-Ring circus with latest animation technology
Reviewed Jaaneman
Jaan-e-man – one of my favourite words in the Urdu language, but this will never be one of my favourite movies in the Hindi cinema. The trailers are pretty clRead more...
A Killer Movie
Reviewed The Killer
The Killer – Different, good, fast and fun Lately we have developed this ability (“we” meaning I and my girlfriend), to glean from the trailors how good or bRead more...
Golmaal – GOOD MAAL!!
Reviewed Golmaal (2006)
Well, nobody can say we Indians don’t have a good sense of humour! Though we went to see the first night, late night show, I had not gone with much expecationRead more...
Worth Watching Comic Book
Reviewed Bunty Aur Babli
Storyline: There’s nothing unique in the story or its treatment. A pair of con-men, sorry con-persons, one male, one female and a police officer chasinRead more...
Right there in the middle of the road
Reviewed Road Ahead, The - Bill Gates
The first advantage this book gets is the name of the author ? Bill Gates. Bill has written this book in collaboration with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter RinearsoRead more...
Socho mat jake dekho
Reviewed Socha Na Tha
The trouble with our Hindi movies is that we know the hero and the heroine are going to get together in the end. Other than this predictability, the movie is Read more...
Hill station & Dust station
Reviewed Matheran
The first thing that I?d like to make clear is that this review is based on my experience and perception and although I would like to be fair and objective abRead more...
Mouth Shut or Mouth Open?
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
Now what can you say about a site which has a weird name like MouthShut? I mean the first thought will be ? WHAT?? Mouth shut? In this democratic world who tRead more...
Nirvana from the grit of work
Reviewed Nirvana - Bund Garden - Pune
It was my friend Vineet?s last night in Pune who was visiting from Gwalior and he wanted to go to a disco. I myself being fairly new to Pune, I had no idea whRead more...
Romance is alive...
Reviewed Veer-Zara
Wow! The first thing that?ll strike you about this movie is that it has a story. It?s a well-written, well-planned story full of not only great romance and lRead more...
Scared of this movie
Reviewed The Village
My movie-going life in Pune is doomed. It must have a hex on it for all I know. I mean look at the record; this was my second ?intermission? movie in 2 weekeRead more...
Value for money
Reviewed The Terminal
The depression of choosing Tauba Tauba was still with us so I and my friend decided to go see The Terminal which was our original planRead more...
Tauba Tauba from this movie
Reviewed Tauba Tauba
Oh my God, what a crock of shit! The movie is absolutely worthless?but before I go on with the review I must confess that I am not really qualified to review Read more...
Serial Killer
Reviewed Kinetic GF170 Laser
Continued from the first review Serial Killer ? 1 . Anything that I have not mentioned in this review is great. Apart from the body breakage I had absolutely Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on vikramadityatravel's review
Rated on neerga's review
Commented on own review
Oh, that is sad! I am no longer in Pune so I couldn't go there anyway but that was my number 1 choice whenever I considered going to a disc. :(
LOL. Thanks Sonali. See, I am a guy, I wanted to Katrina so I hung on, waited, took this slow headache,but I watched it in like 15 minutes instalments so it was not that much of a torture, finally I saw Katrina, saw her role in it, saw her performance, and was bitterly disappointed. Serves me right, Read More...
Hey Randy, Thanks for stopping by to comment. I live in the UK so I don't get to hear all the hype about movies. The names I get if I go to the indian movie-based sites or from friends. That's why I realized it when I watched it. But I am curious, who announced it that it's a copy, the producer/dire Read More...
Commented on dipanjanbiswas's review
Damn! Dhamaal was the next one on my list. Now I am not sure if I want to watch it. Thanks for your comment on my review bud. I got the warning at least. Now I am wondering if there are ANY original movies in Bollywood.
Rated on deep1608's review
Guys, Thank you very much for your comments. Feedback is always welcome, especially when someone says 'Liked your review' *grins*. lpshonlu - To answer your points 1. I don't think it was a cliched ending. Where do you find a hero mature enough to ask for help? A bollywood hero can handle 100 such Read More...
Rated on drbaburaj's review
I will admit without beating around the bush that it makes me feel very good when someone rates my review as VU. But that's not the primary reason why I write reviews. Writing a review is, in my own, small, humble way a way to give something back to the society. If I had a good, fun experience with Read More...
Thank you for the kind words, you have praised the review more than it deserved thank you very much indeed. You should of course, go ahead and write yours also, as that'll create a true representation of how the viewers felt. Also, I would have missed so many things, esp. whatever good things were Read More...
What infuriated me most (as usual) was the stupid logical-technological blunders. Akshay is an astronaut not an astronomer, why is he carrying a telescope? Maybe the director doesn’t know the difference. Using a telescope to watch a girl less than 100m away. Not possible. Your own window is wide Read More...
Rated on dreamer_1982's review
Rated on vaparna's review
Rated on mogmog's review
Rated on bostonman's review
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