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Member Since:May 29, 2006
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Education: College
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Who are they?
Reviewed CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
If X Files made an entire series based on the assumption that the truth is out there, CSI goes through week by week with the determination to find the truth. Read more...
Mogambo bas khush hua
Reviewed Five Best Negative Performances in Hindi Cinema
While villains and their villainy are a common enough occurence in Hindi Cinema since time immemorial, they have always been painted more as buffoons and lessRead more...
[K]Nach [K]Baliye [K]2
Reviewed Nach Baliye 2
The first season of this highly anticipated dance competition generated enough interest - thanks to surprisingly good performances from celeb couples. NB2, onRead more...
Mis-Understood or Over-understood?
Reviewed Salman Khan
Salman Khan is an actor who evokes strong reactions from people. If you love him, you are an unbending, yagna-conducting, blindly-defending fan. If you hate hRead more...
Bajao band aur aati hai baaraat
Reviewed Ten Most Overrated Bollywood Personalities
Mind you... not in any particular order. Didnt want to be unfair to any of our dear celebs. Abhishek Bachchan: So, yes, he does a decent job as the LalRead more...
Great Story, Poor Execution
Reviewed Tumko Meri Kasam
As a fan of biographical dramas, I was excited to watch Tumko Meri Kasam, directed by Vikram Bhatt. Usually known for his horror stories, I had high hopes forRead more...
Commented on sachien's review
Bollywood is filled with them and it's possibly not possible to have them all in one review. But you captured some good ones!
Rated on sachien's review
Commented on own review
Dunno if I feel much pity for this guy. He is like this overgrown kid, throwing caution to the winds.
Saroj Khan was a less biased and more polite judge last season. Wonder what happened to her this year. And you are right about her inconsistency. Not to mention, the woman has a bizarre sense of humor =S
Thank you for the comment. I have never really appreciated SRK as a villain. Whether it's being violent or obsessive, he tends to go overboard. As for Prem Chopra, his slimy roles make me laugh more than anything. I always think he is better suited as one of the cronies rather than the main villai Read More...
Thank you sudipto33 and patenik2 for the comments. Patenik2, most of the YC movies you have listed are his old ones and I think I mentioned in my list that his old movies were really good. It's his latest ventures, both as a director and a producer, that give me a headache.
Commented on criminal's review
I hold not much respect for BD, precisely for the reasons you have stated. But you've also reminded me of the fact that people like BD have not much choice but to display their alternate sexuality for laughs. Atleast, this way they do not need to hide behind a wife and a dozen children to adapt to t Read More...
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