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Member Since:Sep 03, 2008
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Review of the Day (1)
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Black beast after 40K - Amazing machine
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
This is my first review which I have been planning since 2008 when I have purchased unicorn. I have read so many reviews on Mouthshut about Bikes which helpedRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
@Hero430 - It didn't happened to me. Just to share one more instance regarding choke. I drove 60Km on Choke on (Some stupid fellow might have done that while my bike was parked . However i was more stupid who didn't noticed that choke is on. I thought the bike is having some problem so it is revv Read More...
Rated on dr.g.ashok's review
Commented on Aarjith's review
dude very nice review.... keep penning. Yes parlight is missing and the LED backlight would look more sporty... anyway i have also paid the full amount for this bike and will be delivered this weekend... (after waiting for 30days). HAPPY RIDING
Rated on Aarjith's review
Commented on shoebbojgar's review
Yes, shoebbojgar is right. When you talk abount COMFORT and MILEAGE , UNICORN is best in 150cc segment bykes...
Commented on jassu26's review
Hey Jasmin , i totally agree with you ... It's your review dude, may other are not finding these problems in their bike...
Commented on rohana1985's review
Dude nice, detailed review... waiting for your next review when your first servicing is complete..
Rated on rohana1985's review
Commented on bimalenator's review
Nice detailed review... Yes headlight is not much powerful also the Horns..
Rated on bimalenator's review
Rated on SDKamath's review
Rated on mail2manja's review
Commented on mail2manja's review
dude please add more about mileage , stabilty , control, riding comfort and all .... Though top speed is very good as you said but we would appriciate if you add above details.
Commented on arun.l.kumar's review
Yes ... The customer service of Honda people sucks!!!! I have also booked a Uni and it will take 30 days to deliver. Most strange even Number plate(front and rear) doesn't comes under standerd accessories....
Commented on MayuriSharrma's review
nice review... hope himesh stops doing the things which he cant..
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