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Member Since:Nov 28, 2007
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Honda has done great
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Im Rohana from Sri Lanka. Several months ago, I was researching about a bike in 150cc segment. I did a huge research spending several months. Mouthshut.com heRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on fuzzybiker's review
Rated on deokarpt's review
Rated on singh.gaurav691's review
Commented on singh.gaurav691's review
If you can achieve 130Kmph in 150cc Unicorn, there should be either a serious problem with your speedometer or else your bike was mistakenly installed a 250cc engine. I’ve been also riding a Unicorn for about 1.5 years and I personally have achieved 105Kmph and top speed will be around 110Kmph. Read More...
Commented on aravindhan1985's review
Nice detailed review. Im also using this bike since November 2008 and I’m totally satisfied on it. Having Avg mileage of 54Kmpl. Such a amazing machine which achieves performance and mileage at the same time. Wonder how you could touch 120Kmph. Maximum I have seen is 115Kmph. But that’s too har Read More...
Rated on aravindhan1985's review
Rated on slow_speedy's review
Rated on vishnu_1989's review
Rated on racer_m's review
Commented on Bluestar's review
If you maintain your throttle below 5K (better not exceed 4K) in your 1st 500Km, I guarantee you'll get 55Kmpl average. Now I have done 640Km and i recorded the millage of my bike on every petrol liter i feed. 1st liter it did 55Km 2nd liter I couldnt check 3rd liter it did 53Km and 4th lit Read More...
Rated on shankarappa's review
Commented on own review
Ha ha, sure dude. I love Hunk too. Actually I select only Hunk and Unicorn among Indians bikes. Though you told Hunk has same engine, I think Hunk got bit powerful one. It's not 100% same. Now I have done about 350Km and bike does 55Kmpl average. But on 4th petrol litre on the bike, it did about 59K Read More...
Commented on amilaraja's review
Machan Amila. I bought Honda Unicorn finally. Since my father wants to ride it and he doesnt like the hunk sporty look even i love. Anyway where do you do your service?? I bought my bike from Maradana Stafford motors. Im in Kadawatha and there is one in Mahara. I don't know about service centers Read More...
Rated on Nikhilmoorthy's review
Rated on Aspenhyt's review
Rated on micky123's review
Commented on micky123's review
Thts true. Im in Sri Lanka and Im still thinking why India doesn't try to produce quality, durable products other than these fancy products. Believe me, I still ride my father's 24years old Honda C90 (Japan) bike even today!!! And that's why today we don't think twise when you are going to buy a Jap Read More...
Commented on mksasidharan1's review
Do a research before you purchase a bike.. Read all reviews in mouthshut related to the bike you are thinking, and alternative bikes.
Rated on nilesh_c81's review
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